Chapter 9 - 'Father'

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he next day at school, I get talked by. katherine somehow got out of the tombe, Isobel showed up, and bonnie and Jeremy want me to help them, so now I'm in a car with Bonnie, Jeremy and Damon.

We walk into the woods, lookimg for the place those hundred witches were burned. "How do you even know where it is?" jeremy asks. "Because I was there. I tried to save Emily because she was my only lead for gettin Katherine back untill I figured out she was a little bitch." We stop in front of an old, run-down house, probably the place. We all get in. Suddenly Damon isn't able to move. "Whatever witchy prank you're playing, knock it off." "I'm not doing anything." Bonnie says. Damon begins to burn. "My ring's not working. do something!" Bonnie concentrates and he can move again. "I don't think the witches want you here." "I guess this is the right place."Jerrremy ads. "I'm waiting outside." I follow him and he frowns. "I don't really like these kind of things. It creeps me out." He smiles.

After a while we get bored. "Wanna hurry it up in there?" he yells and a door smashes. "Screw you too, Emily. You're all on your one in there." He suddenly get's a call from Sherrif Forbes, something happened. "You're coming with me, I'm not leaving you out here on your own."

"What happened?" Damon asks when we enter the house. "He's dead." The sherrrif says. I pick up his arm to spot the ring, and then throw it back on his body. She looks very confused at me. "He'll be fine in a couple of hours." Damon says. "What are you talking about Damon? He's dead." I smile. "Well, that's the thing. John's ring, it's an old Gilbert family heirloom that protects it's owner from death by a supernatural cause." Sherrif frowns again. "How do you know all this? How do you know any of this? well, doesn't matter. Take him." We nod and carry him outside. "Half a year ago I never thought I would be carrying a dead body who would be awake in a few hours outside of a historical party with a hot vampire." He laughs. "You think I'm hot?" I burst out in laughter. "Please shut up."


After we left Johns body upstairs, we drink some bourbon. wow. All Damon and I ever do is drink Bourbon and Scotch. Suddenly Elena walks in, holding a necklace. "is that Isobel's?" Damon asks. She looks upset. "I never though I would be feeling bad if she was dead, and yet..." "She was your mother." Stefan says. "Why did they let me go?" Who let her go? "well, aything John told Isobel, we have to assume that Klaus knows, right? So he knowws you're not gonna turn yourself into a vampire. he knows that you have us keeping you safe." Stefan continues. "he knows I'm not gonna run." "Which is why we need to take some precautions, 'cause we got played, all of us." Damon suddenly says. he lays some papers in her lap. "What's this?" she asks. "It's the deed to our house, it's in Zach's name. as soon as you sign, it'll be in your name." "You're giving me your house?" She gasps. "Isobel had the right idea with the safehouse. You'll just stay here till it's all over. That way, you can control who get's in and who doesn't." Stefan adds. "Even though I'd be super pissed if you locked me out." I laugh, Damon always with his stupid jokes.

A little while later, Damon, Stefan and I are in the study and Elena and John are in the living, talking. "Bonnie texted, the spell worked, she's locked and loaded." damon says while pouring another scotch. "at least something went right today. Katherine has no idea that Bonnie got her powers back." "Did she even lose them at all?" I ask, confused. "SHe made this witch guy friend, who then tried to undagger Elijah through some spell, so I burned him. his father took revenge and bonnie and took her powers, but then he died and gave it back with the message that she had to kill Klaus." I nod. "Thanks for telling me this now." I say sarcstically. "and Isobel had no idea what you guys took Bonnie to do today." "We're the only ones who know." Damon ads to Stefan. "That literally makes Bonnie our secret wapon." I say. We all raise our glasses and klink. "Let's get ready to kick some ass." Damon and I see at the same time, and we all laugh.


I get home around 7, and my parents are sitting in the living room. "Rosalie, can we talk?" My dad says. "Sure, what's up?" My mom sighs. "Since we moved... you're never home." I sit down. "I made great friends, mom." I see my dad get angry. "we're never hearing anything from you anymore. We don't know what's going on with you." I frown. "This is bullshit." I want to stand up but my dad presses me back down. "Which is why we think you have to go live with you mother's sister for a while." My eyes widen. "You're out of your minds! I'm not going." "Yes you are." "Try me." I say while standing up, my arms crossed in front of my chest. "Pardon me, young lady? How dare you talk to your father like that! SPoiled brat!" "Excuse me? Shut up man! Maybe I'm only with my friends the whole time because YOU were never there for me!" His flat hand hits my cheeck, so hard it makes me fall back on the couch. I feel my blood pomping, my heartbeat fastens. I will kill him! "DON'T YOU LAY HAND ON ME EVER AGAIN!" I push him, not knowing I pushed him so hard, making him fall down on the floor. "You're done, Rosalie. Get upstairs. NOW!" I grab my car keys and want to walk out, but he grabs me by arm pulling me back, hard. "UPSTAIRS, NOW!" I pull myself loose from him and try to run, but he hits my down on out marmer floors. I feel my head, which is bleading.

"ASSHOLE!" he slaps me again. What is wrong with this guy?! "I'M NOT EVEN YOUR REAL FATHER!" wait whut. "YOur grandmother? It was from yourr real father. I took you and your mom away from there after you were born." "Then where is my real dad?!" he smirks. "He's dead. You don't need a killer as a father." I feel tears running down my face. "WHat did you do to him?!" I yell. "I did nothing. It were just my orders." I stand up from the floor, hit him in the face. He walks towards a door and opens it. I see stairs, leading to a basement I didn't know excisted. "I have to." He says. WHat the hell is going on?! He throws himself down the stairs. "NOO!" I scream and I run down. He has no polse, a broken neck. I start breathing heavely. I have to get out of here.

I run outside, get in my car and drive to the Salvatore house. I knock on the door and Damon opens. "Damon." I say crying and he looks shocked. He pulls his arms around me and I cry in his cchest. I hear him close the front door. He lifts me up and I feel him walking up the stairs, laying me down on a bed. "Tell me what happened." He says and i open my eyes. "I killed him." His eyes widen. "Who?" I cry. "My 'dad'." He frowns. "He started beating me, and then he told me he isn't my real father. He said my dad was killed, and It were his orders that he would be killed." Damon strikes my hair. "You can stay here, you know that." I nod and close my eyes, not many seconds later I fall asleep.


I wake up by the sun shining into the room, seeing that Damon is gone, and I'm not wearing my clothes anymore. He probably undressed me and put one of his shirts one, because that's what I'm wearing now. I hear voices downstairs, not sure from who. but....I get out of the bed and walk down the stairs, to see Damon and Stefan talking. "Hey, Damon told me everything. I'm dealing with it." He hugs me and I smile. "Thank you. for everything." He leaves the room and Damon walks over to me. He hugs me. "How did you sleeep?" I laugh. Like a baby." He laughs as well. "Good to hear. Want to eat something?" I shake my head. "Just coffee." I turn on the coffee machine and make myself some coffee, untill I feel two arms around my back. "I just want to say that I'm here for you, if you need me." I smile. Never though the douchebag guy from the bar could be so sweet. I turn around. "Thank you Damon." He looks me in the eyes, untill I break the silence by kissing him. I feel him smile against my lips and he lifts me up the counter. (photo added)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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