Chapter 8 - Dinner Party

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Damon, Alaric and I are sitting at a table at the grill, I still haven't heard from Tyler. "Other thhan your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?" Damon asks. Oh that's right, Jenna and Alaric took him on a historical field trip or something. "No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming." "Well..... I have to admit she's right on this one." They both look a little surprised at me. "What? I'm a sucker for the bad boys." I see and start to laugh. "maybe we shouldn't be talking about this here." Alaric says. suddenly Jenna and Elijah enter the grill. "AH, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend. Hi." They walk up to our table, and Elijah and I look each other in the eyes untill Jenna starts talking. That was weird. "So I heard you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today." Damon says. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Jenna says blushing. "Well, as much as I'd liketo continue this, I'vve got papers to grade." Ojright, Alaric is my history teacher, there's still something called 'school'. "You know what, we should continue this. Let's have a diner party." I say. Why the hell did just say that? "Oh Rosalie, always full with good idea's. "I'll be happy to host. Say tonight, Maybe?" "It's good for me." I support Damon. "I don't know if tonght works..." Alaric says in doubt. "Yeah, I'm free." jenna says. DAAAAAMN Alaric, you got ditched. "It'd be a pleasure." Elijah says with his deep acccent. I know bitch, because I'm gonna be there. "great!" DAmon says with a sarcastic smile on his face.

A while later Jenna and I are preparing the table at the Salvatore house for the dinner party. "so what's about you and Alaric? I feel some tension." I say. "I don't know. I really like him. It's more than like and I want it to work, but I can't help but feel that he's hiding something from me. And then I've got John whispering things in my ear about him." I kinda feel bad for her. "Like what?" OOps I did it again. "Things I don't want to believe. Things I don't believe, not if they're coming from John's mouth." "Oh well, I think you should really talk to Alaric about the things John told you, he might be able to help." I walk towards the living room, where Damon and Alaric are sitting. "Jenna needs help with the wine." Alaric starts walking. "I got us desert." Damon says and he grabs the stake andd the ashes. "This is gonna be fun." I say and we laugh. "It's too bad though, I like him. He's very old-school. Classy." "Which is why you should encourage the gentlemen to take their after diner drinks in here while you doo coffee in the kitchen with Jenna." "Hmm, that's a little too sexist for me, but alright." Damon smiles sarcastily, and I laugh.

Suddenly the door bell rings, and I hear Jenna open the door. "who invited him?" She says. "John. Surprise. Leave." Damon interupts. "When Jenne told me she was coming to a diner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games." John says. Ugh, he's such a twat. "There's not going to be any games tonight, John. It's just a friendly diner party." Alaric says. yeeeeaaaaaah right.

When everybody is gathered in the living room again, the door bell rings. I open the door to see Elijah standing in front of it, looking ectremely gorgeous, as always. "Good evening, Rosalie." he says and I smile. "Thank you for coming. Please, come in." I say while stepping aside. "Just one moment. Can I say that if you or your friends have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider." I smile again. "No, nothing. Nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you." I say, still smiling, fake ofcourse. "Hmm. Well, than that's good." He steps inside. "Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you, as much as I like you, and I'll kill everyone else in this house. Are we clear?" "Why would I try to cross you? I'm human, I'm nothing compared to you." He smirks. "Because you, Rosalie Labonair, are not afraid of me. Unlike the rest of your friends, you don't really seem to care. You would easily make a move if you had the change to. So, are we clear?" I nod and bite my lip. "Crystal." We walk over to the rest. "Jenna, how wonderful to see you again. How are you?" Ugh. "Nice to see you." "You look incredible." She blushes. Can I stake him already? "Thank you."

We all sit down around the big table, and I pour the wine. "I'm sorry to break it to you, Damon, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town." I frown. WHat is this? "Hmm, do tell." "Well as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution." Elijah speaks. "Hmm. Because they were witches." Jenna says. "Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem." I say. "Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the..." what is he talking about? "I wouldn't repeat this to the historical society." I say whilee taking a sip of my wine. "It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me." John says. Ofcourse he also has something to say. "So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon asks. "You know... a healthy historian's curiosity, ofcourse." I smile. "Of course." I say sarcastically. he looks at me like he's undressing me with his eyes. What the hell is that supposed to mean?! This guy is weird, he is extremely hot but at the sime time a extreme douchebag. Kinda like Damon, but then he kills many many people and wants to sacrifice Elena but whatever.

I check my phone and see that I have three missed calls from Carol. "Excuse me." I get up from the table and walk to the kitchen where I call her back. "Hey Carol, I saw you called me, is something wrong?" "hi Rosalie, yes. Have you heard from Tyler?" "No, not for a while. What's going on?" I hear her sigh. "It's nothing, I guess. I'll call you later, okay?" i hang up and get back to the dining room. "Rose! Why don't you join us for a drink in the living?" Damon ays smirking, and I smile and nod. "Why not." I follow them into the living room, while Jenna and John stay talking in the kitchen. "So let me guess, in addiction to the moonstone, the lion, the doppelgänger, the witch and the wardrobe, you need to find this witch burial ground." Damon says while pouring us some drinks. "Because I feel as though we've grown so close, Damon, I'll tell you. Yes, do you know where it is?" Damon hands us a glass of scotch and we take it. "Maybe. tell me why it's so important" "We're not that close." I giggle a little. Elijah turns around and looks at the books.

"it's quite a collection you have here." He says. "Hmm." With Elijah's back turned on us, Damon slowly grabs the dagger. "it's the funny thing about books, before they were discovered, peopl actually had memories." He turns around and he quickly puts the dagger down. Suddenly Alaric and Jenna burst through the doors. "We forgot about desert." he says. "Elijah." Jenna says and she holds her hand out for him. Elijah hands me his glass, grabs her hand, twists her around and leave the room. Damon and I both look weird at alaric. he grabs a pen and writes something down. 'The dagger will kill a vampire when he uses it." crap. Damon throws the paper to Alaric and then we leave the room.

"sorry guys, dessert is taking longer then expected, I usually just unwrap food." We all laugh and Damon, elijah, Alaric and I get back to the study. While Damon and Elijah are talking, Alaric grabs the dagger, runs to Elijah and stakes it through his back, through his heart. Damon looks shocked, and than smiles. They take his body while I get back to the kitchen to get Jenna and John out of the house. Suddenly my phone rings. "Elena?" "Rose, don't remove the dagger from Elijah, he'll wake up." I run to the basement, and see that Elijah has already left. crap crap crap! I walk up the stairs and run through the house. "DAMON!" I scream and he's suddenly in front of my face. "Jeez, stop doing that! Elijah's gone, I just got a call from Elena, saying that we shouldn't remove the dagger because he'll prbably live again, and that did just happen." Damon goes with his hand through his hair. "We have to get to the lakehouse. Now." I agree and run after Damon to his car.

"We run to the door and I get through only Damon suddenly stops. "Elena!" he yells and she appears. "Come in." He walks in. I don't know what the fack that was, but they'll probably explain later. "He can be here any minute." Stefan says while pulling Elena closer, and there he is. I feel the stake in my pocket, as I walk outside, slowly. "Rose, what are you doing?!" Elena yells. "Rose get back inside!" "Rosalie!" Stefan and Damon yell. Elijah smiles. "The feisty girl decided to sacrafice herself?" I smile back. "Too bad you're not going to get a chance to kill me, though." "Are you sure about that?" We are now really close. "Very." and I stake the dagger through his heart. He gasps and looks me right in the eye as I see him descecate. Damon and Stefan rush outside to grab his body. I walk back to Elena, and I see she's pretty upset. "let's get you out of here."

We walk to damon's car and get her in. "Damon must have you on a footpiece, for letting you use his car." I laugh, shaking it off. 

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