Chapter 3 - Jules

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I see Tyler and Matt talking, and I run towards them. "Matt!" "Hey." "How are you?" I'm really trying to be nice, maybe even make friends, okay? "I- I've been better. I gotta- I gotta get to class." he walks away. "Okay then." I walk over to Tyler. "You two still on the outs?" "Looks like it. You realize there's almost a full moon?" I say. "Have you even thought about it? The whole wolve thing? Do you know what you're gonna do?" "I have a plan." He answers. "Well....?" "Kind of private." I sigh. "Come one, I'm the only one who might be able to help you, do you really want to shut me out? I told you before: you're not alone in this. And I'm not going anywhere."


We're walking further into the backyard of my house. "Matt's still pretty sad about Caroline breaking up with him." Tyler says. "I know. But I think it's better this way." "You do?" He asks me and I nod. "Yeah, she can't be honest with him. It's not really fair to be with someone and not really let them know who you are. I get it." I point to something. "Right there. There's a cellar that goes to the old Lockwood property." He follows me down the stairs. "I guess this is where Mason was headed the night he turned." Tyler says and I nod. "This way." "How did you find this anyway?" "I was walking my dog, and kept wanting to go there. Guess he smelled dog or something." We both laugh. "I found these." I hold up a pair of rusty chains. "Whoa, they look old." I shine the beam of our flashlight to the wall. "And these bolts ad chains. You're gonna need new chains but the bolds could still hold." He grabs one and pulls, showing that it's strong enough. "I think that's what this place was for. Full moons. Why else would two family's with the werewolve gene have a tunnel from one property to another? Never got the link, but now I do." Tyler says and I nod as an agreement. "What is this?" I say lifting an old book covered in a t-shirt. "Was it Mason's?" I say while Tyler flips through the page.

"August 32 -- My body is changing. I'm edgy, angry, impatient. I get so mad, I black out and forget what I say ot do. I'm not myself, not since Jimmy's death. What's happening to me?" Tyler reads out loud. "well, does he say what happened?" Tyler flips the page to see a memory stick.

A little while later we're up in my bedroom, plugging the stick into my laptop, a video starts playing. Whoa, his uncle is hot. "It's september 15 -- 2 hours from the first full moon since I triggered the curse." They guy says. "he taped his first transformation. I pause the video while Tyler flips through the pages. "There's nothing. Only his. September 16th, he wrote about everything the next day." I say while holding the journal up.

"I chose the garage. I could deadbolt the door. It was far from the street so no one could hear. I bolted hooks to the floor for the carabines." I read out loud while Tyler speeds up the video, he stops when we see him drinking some golden liguid from a water bottle. Mason sputters and coughs, neeling on the ground. "What's he ddoing?" Tyler says. "it's.... wolfsbane." i continue to read the journal. "I diluted wolfsbane with wate to weaken myself, but I could barely get it down without puking, It felt like I was drinking battery acid. Over an hour passed and nothing happened. It got so quiet I could hear my own blood pumping. That's when..." On the video Mason begins to scream, fallen onto the floor because of the pain he's experiencing. "I kept thinking I'd black out and not feel it. But I did... I felt it, I felt all of it." "We're three hours in." Tyler says with a shaky voice. He forwards the video again. "Four hours. Five hours. How long does this last?" I flip through the pages again, not responding to Tyler. Mason's body begins to contort and he yells even louder now. Tyler, not being able to handle it anymore, pauses the video. He get's up, his eyes filled with tears. "I can't -- I can't do that, Rose. whatever that was, I can't go through that." I put the journal on my bed.

"You know what? I think we shouldn't read this anymore." He snatches the journal away from me and opens it again. "There's a reason it's called a curse, Tyler." He begins to read out loud. "Unimaginable pain. I though it would never end. It was the worst night of my life." Tyler laughs humoreless and puts the journal back on my bed. I get up as well. "But he did say transformation speeds up over time. So, if you can just get through this first time, then..." He interupts me. "Why are you helping me?" "What do you mean?" "Why do you care? We've never known each other before." "I don't know... You just seem like you... like you kind of need it." I sit down next to him. "Okay and maybe I like you a little." We both laugh, but stop when Tyler starts kissing me.


I enter the Lockwood mansion and make my way to the office, wher Tyler mots likely is. "Mason. it's Tyler again. Look, your cell's voicemail is full. I need to talk to you. It's a full moon tomorrow and... I found your recording and I'm freaking out over here. So, just call me back please." I walk into the room to see him putting down the phone. "Hey.... how are you doing?" He smashed something against the wall. "Help me, Rose. I can't do this! How?!" I hug him. "Shush. You got me, remember? Now let's get going before Caroline comes and drags us there personally." He laughs and we walk towards his front door, where his mother stops us. "Heading out?" She asks and we both no. "Lunch at the grill, I've got practice and I'll probably go out after. I'lll be late." Then someone knocks at the door and Tyler opens while I make small talk with his mom. "Hi." I hear Tyler say. "Sorry, rude. You have no idea who I am. I'm Jules, a friend of Mason's from Florida. You must be Tyler." Carol and I both walk towards them. "Yeah, nice to meet you." "So, I know it's weird for me to stop by but I'm trying to track down Mason." "Mason's back in Florida, he has been for a while now." Carol answers. "See, that's the thing.... he's not."

We enter the Mystic Grill and quickly join Caroline. "Hey. What's wrong?" She probably read our faces. "This girl Mason knows stopped by the house. She said he never made it back to Florida. My mom is freaking out and she was on the phone with yours when we left." Caroline frowns. "We should get going." I say and Caroline agrees. We all get up and I notice Caroline sharing a look with some older guy, who was just sitting with Elena's aunt, that must be Alaric. Yay I'm starting to get the hang of this.

"I'll go back to your mom, are you sure you're going to be okay with Caroline?" Tyler nods and presses a kiss on my cheeck. I get in Tyler's car and drive of to the Lockwood mansion. When I enter the house with his key, I hear Carol and Jules talking as I join them. "SO you'll call me as soon as you know anything?" Jules says and Carol nods. "Ofcourse." "OH, I didn't get to say goodbye to your son." "I'm afraid he's at the grill with some friends, I'll let him know. Let's hope for the best." I say while Jules walks towards the door. I give her a quick look and than she leaves. I keep standing near the door when I hear her call somebody. "Hey, I'm here. No one knows where Mason is. He's missing. You were right, Mason was lying, there's another werewolve.... his nephew." oh crap crap crap crap crap! When I'm about to text Caroline, I get a call from an unknown number. "Hey Rosalie, It's Stefan. I need you to meet my brother and Alaric at the grill right now, can you do that?" "Yeah sure, I'm on my way." I hang up and run to Tylers car.

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