Chapter 4 - First Full Moon

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I walk into the grill to see Jules talking to Matt. Alaric and the guy from my first day here, that should be Damon, Stefan's brother, are sitting at the bar and I join them. "Crazy question: do you know Tyler Lockwood?" we hear her say. Damon noticed me and nods. "Mm, Mason's mystery woman." he says and I giggle softly. "Where is Mason anyway?" Alaric says. "Decomposing his truck." "so you think he's a werewolf?" I nod. "Well I hope not, being that it's a full moon, Ric, but we should definately find out. You, do you know something?" I shake my head. "Nothing. Except for you and your brother and Caroline and Elena and Katherine and-" he stops me and Alaric has trouble holding his laugh. "yeah yeah yeah." Damon says and sighs. I see Damon take wolfsbane from his pocket. "What the hell is that?" Alaric says. "Wolfsbane, like vervain but then for wolfs." Alaric nods understanding when I explain. Now Jules is sitting alone at the bar, Alaric walks up the her pretending to be drunk. "Well hello, can I have one scotch and whatever this beautiful woman is drinking." "No, one is my limit." she says laughing lightly.

"I don't trust her." I say to Damon who smirks. "Oh come on, it's not like I'm a freak. I'm just being friendly to someone who is new in town." Alaric continues. "Okay, if you insist. How do you know I'm knew?" crap. "Because I've never seen you here before and I'm here eeeevery night." Good save Alaric. Damon now walks towards them. "Excuse me, is this guy bothering you?" He says with his deep voice. "I'm not bothering anyone." Alaric says, still pretending to be drunk. "Perfect. well... do it elsewhere." Damon now sits down next to her, and she looks at him while Alaric puts wolfsbane in her drink. "Don't worry, he's harmless. He's sort of the town drunk. And you know, when we get tired of him we just put him in a cab and send him back to wherever he came from." "Please don't talk about me like I'm not here." I order a glass of water. Damon takes the glass Alaric put the wolfsbane in and hands it to her. "Why are you here?"He asks while she takes the glass. Thank you for the drink." Alaric raises his glass and leaves. Jules puts her drink on the counter without drinking it, damn it! "There's a B&B down the road and there's a motel on I-90 but you know, if you ask me, it's kind of a mistake." Where is this guy going?

"No, it's fine. I'm just here for the night. It's a long story, I'm looking for my friend." We're getting there. "Who?" "Mason Lockwood." "I know Mason!" "You do?" "Yeah, he's a great guy." "He's missing." "What do you mean? like... I mean, missing missing?" "How do you know mason?" "Friends of friends." she still doesn't drink her drink and Damon and I exchange a look. "You know, listen, I'm really tight with the sherrif. If there's anything I can do to help locate Mason, I will. He's a great guy and ater his brother's funeral, he stuck around and helped his nephew and..." "Tyler?" "Yep. Mason was with him the whole time. Helped him through all that grief. You haven't touched your drink."

"You know, I'm not much of a drinker. I should get going." This woman really is weird. "Oh come on. Look, one drink." "It'll help me sleep." "To sleep." She sniffs the glass and puts it back down in the counter, crap, she got us. "You fool. You think you're clever, don't you?" "What do you want with Mason Lockwood?" man, this woman is going places. "He's my friend." PU-LEEAAASE. "Well, I'm sorry to inform you that you probably won't find him." "And why not?" What the hell? "You should leave town."

"You're threatening me? On a full moon? How stupid are you?" Alaric joins back into the conversation. "Damon, how about that second round?" "I think we're done Ric." He looks back at Jules. That woman freaks me out. "You think I'm afraid of you?" "No, I don't. That's your vampire arrogance. You should be. I sniffed you out the moment I entered this bar, along with your pathetic wolfsbane and your little friend over there who definately smells like wolf but not completely, hasn't ttriggered it yet. I've been at this a long time, and any other night of the month, the situation would be reversed, but tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. You're been marked." She get's up and leaves. Fack. Now I'm dead. "Where is she?" Damon says when we all walk outside. They haven't said anything about what Jules said. "Just let it go, Damon. don't be stupid." "SO what? just let her get away? 'You've been marked'. What the hell kind of wolf throw-down crap is that anyway?" "If this werewolf stuff is true, one bite and you're dead. One bite! allright? don't risk it. Just go home, lock your doors and we'll deal with it in the morning." Damon nods. "Yeah... Rose, You're coming with me. We're not done." Oh no no no no.

"We get into his car and drive towards the woods, where he probably lives, or at least that's what I hope, because otherwise he's going to kill me and drop my body there. "So you have the gene?" I nod. "Are you planning on triggering it?" "Are you kidding me?! Take an innocent life? Hell to the motherfucking no." He laughs. "I like you, you have humor." We arrive at his house and I follow him inside. His house is amazing! My house is about this size, but not as old fashion as this, this is so great! We walk into the library of the house and see a brown skinned woman. "You can't stayy away, can you?" "You don't answer your phone." "What do you want?" "I want to apolagize, I'm sorry about Elena. I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't know that she had a death wish but I called you, I treid to make it right, okay? I'm sorry Damon. And I have nowhere else to go." "There's nothing here for you Rose." That's the woman who kidnapped Elena!Stefan told me about her. Where is Stefan anyways? We hear glass shattering and they both run there and I follow, Human speed ofcourse. The window shatters as a wolf lunges into the living room. Damon grabs a sword hanging on the wall and swings it out. Rose pushes Damon out of the way and the wolf jumps her, pushing her on her back on the floor and biting her shoulder. Damon stabs the wolf with the sword and gone she is. "How bad is it?" I ask while kneeling down. "It hurts." "It's healing." Damon ads. "Oh my god, I though a werewolf bite was fatal! I thought..." she starts to cry and Damon embraces her. I walk out of the room, through the house, untill I discover a celler. I enter it to see a lot of vervain plants. I take some. Caroline told me about compulsion, I should be prepared.

Wait! What if the wolf was Tyler? I rush outside and get into Damon's car. I drive it to my house and run into the woods, down into the cellar. I open the door and see Tyler lying on the floor, naked. "Tyler?" "Rosalie!" I rush over to him and put a jacket over his shoulder. "You're okay. You didn't get out. You're okay." He cries and I hug him. "No I'm not." I call Damon to tell him it wasn't Tyler on the way to my house, so it should be Jules. "My parents are away for the week, so you can stay here if you want, at least for the night." He nods and I help him upstairs. He sits down on my bed and I turn on the shower in my bathroom. "Come on, it will make you feel better." He dissappears into my bathroom and I close the door inbetween my bedroom and bathroom. I change and fall down on my bed. I'm dead.


I wake up because of my phone alarm, nice, ofcourse I have school today. I turn around to see Tyler still sleeping like a baby. I wake him and get dressed, take my stuff for school and go make us some breakfast.

I'm putting the egs on a plate when I feel two arms around me from the back. "Morning." I say and turn around. "Thank you, for last night." I nod. "I told you, You're not alone and you never will be." He presses a kiss on my forehead and grabs a plate with eggs. "We have to hurry, we got school." I say and he laughs. "Sounds so weird. We're going to school like normal kids while we deal with werewolf, vampires and doppelgangers." We both laugh and get ready.


"Hey!" I turn around to see Elena standing behind me. "I'm Elena. We know a lot about each other but never really met, so, Hi!" I laugh and hug her. "I'm Rosalie, but please just call me Rose." We go sit together at lunch, and I never thought she was so nice. I found out that her parents died last summer, so that's why she lives with her aunt Jenna. She got in all this by surprise, like me kinda. "I have math now, you?" she asks and I nod. "Me too!" We walk to class together where we meet up with Stefan and Tyler. "When are the two of you going to be official?" Elena asks while we sit down. "Don't you think it's going a little too fast?" she giggles. "Rose, I'm dating a vampire, you're almost dating a werewolf, your friend is a vampire, what is time?" I laugh and agree. "Yeah, you're right." 

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