Chapter 6 - Kidnapping

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A little while later I'm meeting Jeremy, Elena's little brother at the grill. I heard so much about him, I really wanted to meet him, so here we are. we wlak inside making small talk, looking for a place to sit when he get's stopped by some dude who's sitting with Carol, but she leaves. "Jemery, there you are." "Looks like I've slept through the homecoming." We exchange a look which makes me clear that this is John. "You didn't miss much. Let's say that no one's happy to see me would be an understatement." Ouch. "Look, things are different now. You can't come around and start up with all this anti-vampire stuff." Straigt to the face, gooooo Jeremy! "Don't worrry, I know." I say to the way too shocked face of John. "I have no intention of doing that. How's that ring been treating ya?" I look at the huge ring at Jeremy's finger. I guess that's the 'cheating death' ring they're always talking about. "Look, if this is what you came here for, just take it and go." He offers him the ring but John doesn't take it. "what kind of man would I be if I took that from you? You want to go grab some lunch?" "I think I'll pass."

I see Damon enter and I quickly walk towards him, I have no intention of getting into Gilbert family drama. "hello gorgeous." I slap his arm and he laughs. "You're kinky." I laugh hard. "And you have to shut the fuck up." I point to the candles where John is now standing and Damon approaches him.

"So, John, rumor has it that you know a lot, and won't say anything." "How do I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires. And, according to Stefan, that's why Katherine's still in the tomb, because an Original has compelled her to stay there." He answers with no emotion in his voice. "Only because all of the vervain had left her system. Stefan and I, on the other hand, are chock full." Get him Damon! "You guys are drinking vervain?" Is he as dumb as he looks or is he just pretending to be? "It's an acquired taste. I don't see that magic little ring on you stiched finger, so if you know something about Klaus, you better start talking, or I will kill you in your sleep." "is that any way to convince me that you and I are on the same side? First, I need to know that I can trust you, Damon, that I can count on you. Then we'll talk." John get's up and leaves, and I run to Damon. "That guy is such a douche!" He laughs.

"I know, can't believe he's Elena's father..." I frown. "Well...." We both start laughing. "I just got a text from Stefan, I should go there." Damon nods and I leave the grill. After a short drive I arrive at the Lockwood mansion, and the housekeaper opens the door for me, they know me now. "You want to be friends, great, we're friends. will you go now?" I hear Tyler say from his dad's office. "I don't know what else to say to you Tyler. I came back to this town because I wanted a life, I wanted to excist where I could have friends and where I could build a family. I have that here, we can both have that." I walk into the room and I see Tyler relax a bit when he sees me. Suddenly Stefan's phone rings and he puts it on speaker. "Caroline, is everything okay?"

"That depends. How badly do you want to keep her alive?" "Who is this?" Sttefan asks. "Ask your brother. Is Tyler around?" "Jules? Where's Caroline?" I say into the phone. "Ah, the little wolf-girl-who's-not-a-wolf-yet decided to team up with the vampires, you know that us wolves live by a code of honour? Anyways, you made a mistake Stefan. I'm gonna give you a chance to fix it." That slut. "where is she?" "Right here, want proof?" We hear her enter something. "He needs proof." She says to someone and than we hear a gun shot, and seconds later Caroline screaming. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" I scream into the phone while Tyler tries to calm me down. "Ahw, wanna try, sweetheart? You know I will kill you in a blink. Bring Tyler to me, the clearing by Wickery Falls. You have 20 minutes untill she dies." Se hangs up the phone. I grab a vase and throw it across the room, making it and a pannting fall apart. "Rosalie, calm down." "I WILL KILL HER!" I scream. Why am I so agressive? Tyler pushes me against the wall. "CALM DOWN!" He screams with some growling underthone in his voice and my body legit starts to calm. How the hell.


A while later we're walking towards the place. We hide behind a bush. "I know you're out there." Jules says and we walk up to her. "Where's Caroline?" Stefan asks. "Locked up." "Let her go, and I'll release Tyler. It doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules." WAIT NOW TYLER IS OUR HOSTIG AND WE'RE TRADING HIM FOR CAROLINE?! "It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think? Espesually after she threatened me." "You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt." I say. "I'm not leaving without Tyler." "Tyler is free to make his own decisions, as soon as you release Caroline." Stefan answers her.

Talkin about devils, Damon has arrived people. "My brother the pacemaker. Since Stefan got here before me I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So give us Caroline." He says walking towards us. "Let go of Tyler." she says. WOMAN, WE WILL. "Give us Caroline. Without a full moon it's not even a fight and you know it. We will take you." I feel my blood pomping. I really want to take her. "I'm not so sure about that, tough guy." WHat the hell is she talking about? She suddenly whistles, and than a lot of other people, probably werewolves, come out of their hiding places, all holding wapens inculding stakes, cross-bows, and a flame-thrower. Oh oh. "Let's try this again. Give us Tyler." I see Damon looking at Tyler. "You heard her. Go. Get over there." He tells him. "What?!" spits out of my mouth. Tyler starts walking over to Jules. "That's right, Rosalie. Tyler wil choose his own people over you, always." I look him in the eyes, and he looks ashamd/hurt, I can't really tell. what I can tell is that I'm hurt. And super pissed. "Now, which one of you killed Mason?" "Uh, that'd be me." Damon sas while raising his hand. Ofcourse it was him. "Boys, make sure that one suffers." I frown and stap forward. "Oh hell to the no. Cut the crap. We gave you Tyler, now you give us Caroline. We leave. You leave. We never have to see each other again. We can go in peace." I say and she starts laughing. "Well then.." I look at Damon and he rrushes over to her, but she jumps on top of the RV. Tyler has gone inside. One of the wolves tries to burn Stefan, but he grabs the flame-thrower from him and burns two werewolves with it. Yay! You go Stefan! One of the wolves tries to jump Damon from the RV roof, but Damon rips his heart out mid-air. Nice! I quickly run into the Rv as well, to see Tyler and Caroline talking. "Tyler, there's a latch on the door and I can't reach it." She says. I see her sitting in a cage. "Tyler, please, Tyler!" I give Tyler a hard punch and run over to her, and free her. Than I run outside, where I see Stefan and Damon still fighting. Caroline get's pushed against the RV, held at guunpoint, and Tyler doesn't do anything, the son of a bitch. I see the one who was with Jules grab a stake and almost kill Damon, but then suddenly all the wolves, including me but not Tyler, grab their ears, and fall on the ground.

Suddenly a black guy arrives, holding his hands in the air. I guess he's a witch or something. "Elijah made a promise to Elena, I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go, get out of here, now." He looks at Tyler. "When your friends awaken, give them a message. They need to get the hell out of this town." And than all the wolves and me black out.

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