Cedric Diggory-Say Something

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Credits of the song used goes to A Great Big World.  All ownership of it goes to them.

Fourth Year
People say Slytherins are awful, arrogant, blood-obsessed dark witches and wizards, and I don't blame them. But to label a whole house on that is absurd, I bet there were plenty of other bad witches in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. (Hufflepuffs always brag about not having any bad apples.) Fine, Slytherin's house was founded by Salazar Slytherin who was obsessive with blood types and even voted that muggleborns should not be allowed to learn in Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean the whole house is that way, yet still the whole school thinks it worthy to shut out all of the Slytherins.

Which will also explain why I'm alone in the library, finishing a potions essays for Professor Snape, while others from different houses chatter amongst themselves as if there's nothing else they can do. I groaned in frustration at the utter amount of noise in a place of study, and apparently, the librarian, who I haven't had any acquaintance with, just doesn't care or has given up.

"Can I sit here?" A voice asked nervously.

"If you've made it this far then sure. I just don't know if you want to sit next to a Slytherin y'know." I replied wryly.

"I don't mind." A thump reached my ears and I glance upward slightly for the first time to see who my companion was.

"So, what's Hogwarts' Heartthrob doing here, in the library next to a Slytherin?" I asked coolly, a smirk lining my face when I saw Diggory flinch at his title.

"It's noisy everywhere else and there's barely any space." He muttered, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Mhmm." I hummed in agreement, once again working on the potions essay. "So you chose the spot where a Slytherin sits? Aren't you afraid I'm going to hex you because your blood is impure?"

"You won't do that." Diggory said confidently.

"And why is that?" I asked, amusing myself with his confidence.

"Because you don't believe in the blood lunacies. You usually keep to yourself and you're sarcastic." He answered.

I hummed again in agreement, squashing the surprise at how much the heartthrob knew about me. "How did you figure that out?"

"Uh...c-common sense?" He stuttered out. I peered up longer this time, straightening from my hunched up position while writing the essay. Diggory was pink at the cheeks and playing with his strap on the bag.

"I get the sarcastic part, but common sense doesn't stretch that far as to give you information about my opinions and personality." I remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Unless you know divination, but considering the divination teacher is Trelawney, I won't bet on that."

"Well we have a lot of classes together, so from this conversation and those classes, I came to that conclusion." Diggory reasoned.

"Ok, so then what are you doing in the library, golden boy? You haven't taken out your homework yet." I gestured to Diggory's book bag on the table untouched.

"Can you please not call me that. Just call me Cedric."

"I could." Smirking, I looked straight into Cedric's eyes. "But I choose not to." He groaned. "You didn't answer my question."

"I just wanted a quiet place to sit and maybe do my work."

"Did this fulfill your wishes?"


"Thought so." I nodded in agreement before returning to my nearly finished essay. "So why are you still here."

"Because I found someone I wanted to talk to."

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