Fred Weasley-Christmas Miracles

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Happy New Years! Sorry for the very late update. The plot idea for this chapter goes to hermione_12345
Here's to 2017 and a great year for us Potterheads

"You twins ready for the last Hogsmeade trip of the year?" I asked, a twinkle in my eyes.

"We were bloody born ready!" Fred answered, imitating an excited child.

"The question is, are you ready?" George asked, smirking.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, my eyes telling him bring it.

Our last Hogsmeade trip of the year was always the most hectic for many reasons. One was the twins would hoard all the shops like there's no tomorrow, specifically, Zonko's, and I would be trailing with them, spending my money as wisely as I could. Which leads me to the second reason, it's actually quite a basic reason. All three of us always, always, always leave Christmas shopping at the last minute. Third reason is we want to visit all the shops before the day ends, and make sure we can squeeze enough time to get butterbeer at Three Broomsticks. We're always exhausted in the end, but it's still chaotic in a crazy, free way. We even named it our Christmas Shopping Spree, and I look forward to it every year, while be intimidated by the prospect of running for who knows how long.

The twins and I talked about Filch, upcoming pranks, and quidditch while waiting for the carriage to make it to Hogsmeade. Soon the conversation took a turn for Christmas plans.

"You're coming to the Burrow right? Because if you don't, mum won't be quite happy. We might have to abduct you in order not to get the guilt trip." Fred said, his features changing into a deadpan.

"Yeah, I'm coming, my parents are on a business trip on Christmas week, even though they begged for a trip to not be scheduled that week." I sighed at my parents' unfortunate luck.

"That's too bad for them, but great for us, because we have you for Christmas!" George said exuberantly.

"Yay!" Both the twins started dancing happily, with huge smiles on their faces.

I couldn't help but laugh at their antics, you never get old of the Weasley twins, I swear, they have so much nerve and are so fearless, it scares me. "Well I'm excited for Christmas at the Burrow too. Who else is going anyways?"

"Just Harry and Hermione." George replied. "Hey look! There's Hogsmeade!"

The carriage came to a slow halt and Fred walked out first, opening the door for me. "M'lady."

"Why thank you kind gentleman." I thanked politely, subtly rolling my eyes.

"Hey, why don't I get that kind of treatment Freddy?" George whined, huffing in fake annoyance.

"Because you're not a lady Georgie." Fred stated to his brother in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Point taken." George said, tapping his chin.

"Well if you guys are done with your banter, we can start heading to shops. Time waits for no one." I piped up, glancing between the twins.

"Zonko's first?" The twins asked as one. I nodded, before the marched up to me and wrapped their arms around my shoulder. "Then let's go!" They said before running towards the joke shop.

Zonko's was obviously crowded, and I got separated from the twins purposely. Prior to today, I'd written what I needed from each shop, and Zonko's was one of the shops with the most present buying. Weaving through the people, I found the presents needed, piled them in my arms, and carried them to the impossibly long line.

While waiting, I tried to spot the twins and their tall figures with their unmistakable ginger hair. Breathing out in relief to know that they were on the opposite side of the shop, I willed this line to hurry. It probably took only 20 minutes but it felt like an hour with all the presents that were for two specific gingers who happen to be buying presents with me. I thanked the cashier and collect my change and bags, before heading towards the redheads.

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