angel → minizerk

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Genre: Sad Romance

Josh's PoV:
I held my six-year-old son's hand and sat him down. Tears forming in my eyes as I had to break devastating news to him at such a young age. "Where's mommy, daddy?" He questioned tilting his head with a concerned look on his face. We called Simon mommy, it started off as banter using 'mommy minter' but Jude caught on and started calling him it. At first, Simon hated it, but it grew on him and didn't bother him as time went by. "W-Well baby. Mommy's not very well. Remember when you were ill and mommy and I fed you soup and watched Disney movies all day together?" He nodded in response and smiled at the fond memory "Is mommy watching Disney movies and eating soup?" He asked. "Yes, but he's eating soup in the hospital where you were born because the doctors need to make sure mommy's okay," I stated tears falling out of my eyes, it was hard explaining the sickness of your beloved husband to your six-year-old son who loves him very dearly. "When's he coming home?" Jude asked, my heart was slowly breaking, that question was even unknown to me.  "I want to show him the picture I drew!" He jumped off the seat and ran over to his little colouring station. Little feet pattering against the tiles as he ran there and back. He returned with a picture, coloured in crayon. "Look! This is you, I'm in the middle and mommy's there." He pointed, my heart melted at the sight. It was a beautiful drawing, one that didn't take long but was worth millions. "I have an idea, how about we go to the hospital and see him so you can show him your picture!" I smiled sadly tears streaming down my cheeks endlessly. He climbed up onto the chair and tightly wrapped his arms around my neck. "It's alright daddy." "I know Jude."


"Ready?" I asked him, he nodded and jumped up at Simon's door, extremely excited to see him. "When you go in give him a big cuddle and a kiss, he misses you lots and lots." I opened the door and allowed him to run in. I carried in a red rose and added it to the flower pot, after all, I was the romantic type. "Mommy!" He screeched jumping on the bed and tightly hugging Simon. The sight was story telling. You could take a photo and frame it for everyone to see and they'd defiantly feel something. Just watching a young boy cuddle a parent in a hospital bed at suck a young age is horrible. "Jude." He mocked back voice quieter due to weakening from illness. "How's my baby doing?" Simon asked rocking the small boy back and forth. "Look what I drew for you." He gently passed the paper over, still as neat as ever, you could tell how much this picture meant to him as he'd been keeping it safe. "Oh." Simon teared up, swallowing the sobs that were trapped in his throat. "It's beautiful." He smiled and rested it on the side of his table "Listen to me Jude, I want you to know that mommy will always be there. Even if I'm not. I always am. When you go to big school, go to college, find a girl or boyfriend, when you get married, have kids. I want you to know that I'll always support you and care for you even if you've forgotten about me-" he broke down sobs slipping from his lips as he continues "- I-I will a-always be by y-your s-side. Through your mistakes and though y-your p-problems. M-momma will a-always be there." Jude got upset and threw himself into Simon's arms his head buried into his chest and Simon's arms gripped onto the back of his shirt. The blonde squinted his eyes closed behind his sons back and his tears feel too damp the covers beneath him. "J-Josh-" he whispered gesturing to Jude. "Please take him out for a minute, I don't want him to see this." I quickly picked him up and ran him out the door. A nurse asked me if I was okay, I asked her to watch Jude for a second whilst I comforted my husband. She took him to play with the kids as I ran back inside and he gripped my hand weakly.

He coughed, blood spluttered over his hand and tickled down his lip. The sight hurt me, someone, you love so much in so much pain. "J-Josh?" He asked looking so innocent and vulnerable. "Yes, baby?" I silently sobbed staying strong for possibly his last moments. "Please take care of our baby." "I will." "And Josh?" "Yeah?" "I love you so so so much." I cried out holding back nothing anymore. "I love you Simon, have done for years and years." I kissed his forehead leaving my lips there as I felt his boiling skin. "Joshy, please can you cuddle me?" "Anything for you, my love." I climbed into bed with him, cuddling the way we do we have done since we first fell for each other. I was laid my upper back against the headboard making me sit up slightly. He rested his head on my collarbone and his legs were wrapped up in mine his hands rested on my stomach as I gently stroked his fluffy blonde hair added soft kisses to the spot also. I stared at his hand on my stomach nearest my face, drips and wires coming out of it from every direction and the wristband around his skinny wrist reading 'Simon Bradley'. I stayed like that, not wanting to move a bit forever. This was perfect for the man that I deeply loved and have deeply loved for a long long time. Then suddenly the faint electronic beeps from the heartbeat machine began to slow down. Until eventually they became one - long - constant beep. I looked down that light lifeless body rested upon me, a tiny smile reaching my face as I leant down and gave him a long passionate last kiss on his soft pink lips. I ran my shaky hand among the pale skin on his cheek and shuffled out of the bed. I laid him flat on his back and wipe away a little bit of blood from his chin and hands. I grabbed the deep red rose I had brought in earlier and slid it between his fingers and rested his hands on his chest carrying the rose still. "I must say," I spoke staring at the boy who made my life the way I wanted it to be "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with you, Simon Minter." I smiled small before resting my hand upon the handle and looked back just one last time. Looking at the way you could no longer see his beautiful bright sea blue eyes, the way his white ghost-like pale skin illuminated the colour of the red rose, the way his lifeless fingers loosely held a symbol of my love. A single tear trailed down my cheeks as I imagined Simon running his soft fingers in the same place. Then I walked out, closing the door behind my and out to my son. With even more heart-breaking news than before. I observed him as the nurse played with him and another young boy. She knew what had happened to Simon so she was doing this to get to try and make the experience as smoothly as this could possibly go. When he saw me he ran over to me and away from the nurse asking about how his mommy is. "Let's have a little talk, Jude," I whispered picking him up and sitting him on one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. The nurse passed me, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly as she did so. "Well you know I told you how mommy was sick and was being taken care of? Well, now he's gone someplace special where he isn't sick and can watch us with happiness and without hurting." I spoke staying strong for the like boy who looked up to me. "Where is he gone?" "The place is called heaven. It's all the way up in the sky but he is also right by your side like he said he would. He's an angel now. A very beautiful angel."

"See you soon, mommy, you angel."

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