junior → ksimon

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Genre: mpreg
Warnings: puking

I woke up at three am, my stomach churning, my eyes burning from the late nights of editing. Although I was to exhausted to mention, JJ's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist making sickness bubble throughout my body. Suddenly I ripped his arms off me and sprinted to the bathroom as quick as my feet would carry me. I bent over the toilet and emptied my stomach into the bowl with a small whimper. After that, I leaned back against the bath, sweat dripping down my forehead. "Simon?!" I heard my boyfriends voice mumble - still laced with sleep. "I-I'm here Jide. Don't worry I'm fine." I quietly sobbed, not realizing the tears were existent until now. "Baby!" He whisper-shouted once he realized I was crying quickly rushing into the only bathroom on the level. My unsteady shaky hands quickly flushed the toilet as I pretended to recover from the previous events. The last thing I needed was for JJ to worry about me. He needs to focus on his music, films and videos. I can't be a distraction and sidetrack him the way it always ends up. "Jide. I told you I was fine." I repeated standing up little normal in attempt to leave. "And you were lying." He responded. Dizziness clouded my vision my I began to feel lightheaded. My body tipped over but as if he knew he confidently caught me before I could even hit the ground. "See.. your not fine.. theirs defiantly something wrong with you. You haven't been yourself since this morning." He explained placing me back down on the cold tiled floor and sitting down next to me. This body warmth making me overheat but I just needed to be with him. "Tell me Simon. What's happening?" JJ questioned "You know what Jide? - I don't have a fucking clue." I answered honestly placing my hand on my stomach and cringing. "Come here." He whispered pulling me into his chest and I let the tears flow into his soft cotton shirt. "It's gonna be alright."
- (3rd Person)
"Minter." The nurse spoke. Simon and JJ looked at each other before slowly rising from the uncomfortable hospital waiting room chairs and following her into a private room. "So you've been feeling nauseous, throwing up and dizziness?" She spoke questionably. "Yeah, I'm worried about him." Jide replied wrapping his arm around the thin blonde. "Let me." She muttered placing her cold hands on his stomach and feeling for a minute. "Oh my-" she cut herself off. After laying him down on a bed and smoothing a cold gel over his tiny skinny stomach, she put a monotype over it and gasped. "Simon Minter, you may not believe this. But your pregnant." Simon's eyes went wide and he snapped his head to look at JJ. "Oh-" JJ smiled like a Cheshire Cat, looking at small outline of the black and white frame. A little heart beat filling their ears and made tears slip from both of their eyes. "JJ. There's a baby in there." "I know." "What do we tell the boys?" "We tell them once your comfortable."
"Do we have any pickles?" Simon asked Josh. Josh was sitting in the kitchen at about midday, eating a late lunch as he and Simon were the only ones home. Simon was about a month in of his silent pregnancy and was beginning to crave strange things. "No? Simon you hate pickles." Josh stated from his seat and the blonde walked past and dug though all the cupboards. "I'm so hungry though and I don't fancy anything else." Josh looked up at the boy who reached up to the top cupboard. On his tiptoes, arms stretching for it. His cream colored cotton jumper rose up showing a small amount of skin on his stomach. It was only a small amount but enough for Josh to notice a tiny bump in his very usually petite figure. The moment when Simon felt Josh's green eyes on him, he rushed to pull his jumper down but he knew it was pointless as it was obvious Josh had already seen the little secret that he had been desperate to keep hidden for just over a month. He need a little more time to feel comfortable with the whole fact that he was pregnant but at some point he did have to tell them. "J-Josh, listen-" "Your p-pregnant?" "yes, I was going too tell-" the bearded man cut off Simon's rambling with a hug. Muffling the quiet sigh of relief from the blonde "thank you Josh." "We love you so much Si, we will never turn away from you. Please remember that."


All the boys were around the sidemen house as a mini 'baby shower'. Simon was six months and still very tiny but it didn't worry to much, he was a tiny baby when he was unborn. "Simon you've killed us long enough! Is it a boy or a girl?!" Vik yelled jumping up and down in his seat of excitement. "Well.. Jide wanted a little boy... I wanted a little girl and.." A pause was added for effect "Jide won." "Wayyyyyyyyyyyy!" JJ shouted playfully "We got a Jide Junior on the way!" "We are are not calling our little boy Jide Junior!" I was quick to respond. "Please Siiiiiiiiii!" He begged rolling of the couch and scattering in front of me on my chair. Hands clenched together and on his knees begging. "No Jideeeeeee! We both liked Jayden remember!" "Uhhhhh....."


Baby Jayden Jide Olatunji - born three months later

"Minter would have sounded better."

"Shut up mum."


Well that was shit. I'm sorry.

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