one forty five am → any

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it's one forty five am,
and I can't seem to sleep,
I'm pretty sure it's the sugar,
Then again the blankets are cheap,
It could be the headlights,
Or perhaps it's the heat,
Maybe it's the mattress,
Or the socks on my feet,
It could be the noise,
From the streets out there,
It might be my clothes,
Or just my actual hair,
Although I am denial,
And I should close my eyes,
They're not the reasons I can't sleep,
Then again, it's not a surprise,
That I'm setting here at one forty five am,
Trying to convince myself it's not true,
That the reason I'm up in the first place,
Is because I'm thinking of you.

I literally wrote this in four minutes. You all know I love my poetry xD

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