knights in tinfoil → ksimonzerk

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Simon tried desperately to hold back his tears as he slowly shut his laptop. He was sitting on his own the dark. His eyes were glued straight ahead of him although all that could be seen was blackness. Someone had made a hate video on him. Some had actually taken the time of day to show their deep hatred for him. They pointed out his flaws, his insecurities and they even encouraged him to leave the Sidemen. He didn't know what to do. He bit harshly on his lip, tasting the metallic sensation of blood, desperate to hold back his sobs. He tried to not cry but he knew that he would fail eventually.

As long as he was quiet, he could cry all he wanted and no one would know. So he went along with his plan. His hand over his mouth and his breathing went rapid. He sniffed as tears went crusading down his cheeks. The guy said that he would find him. He would make sure Simon hated every breath he released, every word he spoke, every move he made. But there was no need. Simon already hated himself. Because he believed was the opposite of what he wanted to be. Despite JJ and Josh always describing him as the definition of perfect. Hate always shines through the happiness.

Simon's shaky breath calmed down when he realized that he had videos to record. Now, he feels sick. He feels uncomfortable in his own body. But he had to get his videos out or his hate will get much worse then what it has been for no reason. So he took a deep breath, wiped his tears and sat in his gaming chair. He put his headphones on and called JJ, Josh, Vik and Ethan for their next game. Simon was still on the verge of tears but he couldn't cry or they'd have to reshoot the whole video.


We'd finished recording. But Simon was rather quiet. Which isn't usual for him. He always giggled cutely or smiled like the Cheshire Cat. And even though I couldn't see his face cam I could tell he wasn't smiling at all. So, as he and I cared about our boy so much, I texted JJ.

Josh: yo, is Simon alright?

JJ: I don't know but he didn't seem it

Josh: can we go and check on him I'm worried..?

JJ: let's give him an hour, if he hasn't left his room we'll go and see him

Josh: alright

I waited in anticipation. There was no sound from his bedroom. Then again, he didn't want to be heard he'd make sure he wasn't, Forty minutes later, Simon went to record another video while the one he recorded earlier posted. I watched his video. His actions were a massive give away, no smile, no laughs, the constant sniffle, the biting of his lip. Even the comments noticed it.

" is anyone else worried about Simon?"
" whys he so sad? "
" he looks like he's about to burst out into tears. "

Along with

"Lmao ugly fuck."
"Leave the Sidemen please."

Being slightly angry at the fact he was getting hate, I picked up my laptop and stormed into JJ's room. "Yo dude is he alright?" The dark skinned man questioned obviously thinking I'd come here after talking with Simon. "I'm pissed! He's getting hate for no reason and look how sad he is." I thew my laptop at him. He caught it and opened it straight up to the most recent video. After a minute of watching JJ pushed the laptop to the side and marched over to Simon's room. we slowly opened the door to see him at his computer with his hands over his face. The game in front of him paused. I ran in and hugged the boy, squeezing him tightly into my chest as JJ repeatedly kissed the back of his neck comfortingly. "What's got you like this baby?" Jide muttered in between kisses. "I-I'm scared.." he sobbed out "why baby boy?" I asked again. "He's g-gonna come and get he - hurt me!" Simon's fists clenched and his breathing went rapid. "no no no no no.." Josh whispered comfortingly "no ones gonna hurt you love." "b-but he is he's coming and he said so!" "Who?" "I-I don't know, but he wants to kill me!" "Listen to me, we aren't going to let anyone hurt you understand?"


T W O -  W E E K S - L A T E R

"Yo Simon get the door!" Vik shouted from his room, he was live streaming therefore he wasn't able to answer it. "Sure!" He replied with a skip in his step, he'd just got off the phone to his brother and had a long well-needed conversation with him. However, that was quick to come to an end when he opened the from door to a mysterious man. Who as soon as the door opened, he skived in and slammed Simon against the wall roughly. There was a bang, but that was ignored as it could have just been something dropped, anything. The mans hands were tightly wrapped round his neck making Simon struggle to proceed in a basic human action, breathing. "Now you, you ugly fucking faggot, will not be my problem anymore. You will be no ones problems and they should thank me for that." The man spoke quietly but still with force and power. It was when Simon gathered the courage to yelp as loud as he could for help, it was his only chance if he wanted to survive, he may as well try. "J-Josh! J-J!" He shouted with the remaining breath he had caught. "Simon?!" Was heard before numerous patters of feet down the staircase. He hated to see the shocked and angry faces of Josh and JJ when they saw the cause of the problem. "Get the fuck off of him!" The darker skin toned man ripped the attacker of his boyfriend as the other one caught the blonde from falling into unconsciousness as sat him on the stairs. It was only when Simon peered up did he know that JJ had violently pulled his arms behind his back and began to push him against a wall. "I won't be a second." The eldest man muttered before pecking his temple and rushed over to JJ and the attacker. Josh punched him numerous times across the face until he faded into being unresponsive. They left him on the hallway floor. Bloody and bruised. The two walked over to their little sunshine and wrapped their arms around each other. "We came to save our damsel in distress." Josh giggled "Yeah we are your knights in shining armour!" JJ added

"More like knights in tinfoil!"

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