•2• betrayal

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This chap is going to be a really long one because its soon Christmas just know there might be a lot of mistakes at the end because it lags when you write so much XD

What you might want to know!

(Y/n) your name
(F/c) fav colour
(S/f/c) second fav colour
(S/t) sword type
(H/l) hair length
(H/c) hair colour
(E/c) eye colour

That's about it I think? I will add more in the future so look out for that!


~(Y/n) pov~

"Get this over and done with stupid" he looked at me as if I called him something like 'fatty'! Well anything can effect his ego!

"Ok then Mrs.Bossy" before I could say my AMAZING comeback I was knocked out. Well I couldn't see or move but I had all my other senses? I was about to say 'pfft Mr.Ego' I feel like since I saw him last his ego has became 1,000,000 times bigger! Geez he's changed a lot more than Dante maybe being a shadow knight changes you?

My wrists felt better well for a little they were tied back up after getting me out of the chair! And then I was carried away all I heard was "bye (y/n) I'm so sorry..." From Dante.

I felt a burning breeze which meant we were in the nether! Ugh I've never been here before and I already hate it... I've heard that in the nether to become a shadow knight its either 1. Go threw a painful ritual or 2. Die first then do the ritual... I know that option 2 us the least painful but I dunno what they are going to do.

I woke up and saw Gene looking at me. I didn't show any emotion. He put me down to walk which was good I didn't like him carrying me!

"So what is going on!" I demand Gene to tell me. He smirked and finally told me.

"Well the shadow lord has heard about you before you were even born! Now, he heard of you from some friend of your parents and in your family there has been strong shadow knights! So he wants you to become a shadow knight and help us take over all the good in the world. I told him you would say yes because you like being evil your a thief and have done more! Yes we have kept an eye on you... Now I hope you haven't changed much because if you are now good then our plans will have failed!" After he was done with all that I thought back to what Dante had said...

"I really thought you would change but you haven't neither has Gene..."

"I haven't changed... Don't worry I'm still the mischievous girl you saw last!" I smirked and looked at Gene. He really hasn't changed he looks the same... He even has the same bad sense of style!

I trust him Gene x Reader/ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now