•7• home?

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Must remember if you don't then this will make no sense even tho I never do! XD

(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
(F/c) fav colour
(S/f/c) second fav colour
(S/t) sword type
(H/l) hair length
(H/c) hair colour
(E/c) eye colour

~(y/n) pov~

"You know we don't have to do this!" Gene told me for the millionth time.

"I do and I will!" I told him again for the millionth time. I was packing some food the people who were coming were:

And Laurence

The rest were staying back for the village. It may not be many people but its all we need. Me and Aphmau decided that we would go by foot. Laurence said it would take 1 day maybe more if something happens. (*wink* *wink* XD) I don't know why me and Aph want to see her there's just this feeling. Like I don't know what the feeling means, or how I feel it but its like we need to learn more about her like there more to her than we know. And maybe there is something I don't know about myself.

"Why do you feel the need to see her so much!?" He made it sound like Rose was nothing just a piece of dust that choked some people. What if this feeling is nothing and she really is just a bad person?

"I just get this feeling around her that makes me feel like I need to learn more and it seems like Aphmau has it to!" I explained frustrated. He's just standing there complaining like a 3 year old!

"Fine... I guess maybe there's something she's his from everyone! But the thing that I don't get is how you felt this feeling Aphmau feels stuff because she is Irene! I wonder how you do... maybe your a descendent?!" Gene thought and paced around.

"I have no clue you changed my memory so I don't know all my life! Ask Zenix he would know." I told him before grabbing 5 bags and then throw one to him.

"That bag has all the supplies needed." I said leaving to go to Aphmau's house. Gene slightly behind. I don't mean to be mean just he needs to think about things more before just jumping to conclusions! Maybe Rose is hiding something from us... If she is what? 

I knocked on her door and a minute or two later she opened it.

"I see you have the supplies let me grab some stuff and we can gooooooo!" Aphmau walked put and Laurence was somehow behind her. I was confused how I didn't see hike but shrugged it off.

Zenix was at the gate waiting for us and when he saw us he looked relieved.

"Geez you guys are slow!" He told us. I just sighed and shook my head.

"Gene was talking to much!" I whined. This time everyone else sighed. I just walked through the gates into the woods. The others walked with me and the trip started!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We had been walking for a while and I'd say we did good because we were half way there well I think so. We did have a map but the woods looks the same all the way through -_- . We set up camp, seens as it was night and we should stop. I had a feeling something won't go right but that's probably wrong this isn't some kind of book on the interwebs! (Yeah defiantly not •^•)

"I still don't get why we need to see her!" Gene once again told us. Me and Aphmau rolled our eyes and Zenix sighed. Zenix was sitting on a stump on the out skirt of the camp site. I was sitting on the floor near him. Aphmau was sitting on a log by the fire. Gene was standing outside his tent WHINING!

"We have a feeeeeeling that there is something she is hiding!" Me and Aph said at the same time. No we didnt do telepathy we just have said that ten times already so we know what to say we just make feeling longer.

"Just.shut.up.PLEASE!" Zenix shouted. It made some birds fly out of a tree. I looked closer at that tree and saw one bird looking at me. It was a black bird with bright green eyes.

"Can I go on a little walk alone away from Mr.Whiney!" I asked Zenix he nodded and Gene crossed his arms. What is it with him and Rose?

"Before I go Gene what do you have against Rose?" I asked while getting up and dusting myself up.

"Its just... I don't trust her... With what she has done how could anyone!?" Gene explained when he said that last part the bird went "CAW!" Yup like that not 'chirp' but "CAW" (XD)

Luckily they thought nothing of it. Hhmm that bird is weird.

"Ok then..." I replied before walking to the tree which conveniently was where they couldn't see. The bird hopped down and looked at me. As if it was trying to see if I was nice or not. I crouched down to look closer. Swiftly, the bird hopped back and turned into a human. It was a boy with black shaggy hair and bright green eyes.

(Its a OC of mine don't worry I have been thinking of having a OC contest for you guys!)

He wore a ripped up white top and black ripped jeans. He had a similar cloak to Rose except it was black and dark blue. He had his hood down. He got up and dusted him self off.

"I'm Jordan." He told me calmly. I was a bit confused but went with it.

"Uuhh I'm (y-y/n)." I said waving awkwardly.

"I am a childhood friend of Rose and still am. I came here because I knew people like you and that Aphmau girl would want to talk to her. I wanted to help you." He explained and it made me happy. Rose has a friend that cares about her! Oh I'm so rubbing this in Gene's face! He thought no one could trust her and be friends with her!

Thats all for now! Like I said I will make a OC contest and the winner will have their OC in my book and get a shoutout! Although I think everyone should get one (which might happen XD)! I hope you enjoyed the chap!

~bye my roses!🌹

I trust him Gene x Reader/ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now