•6• plan in action

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Must remember:

(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
(F/c) fav colour
(S/f/c) second fav colour
(S/t) sword type
(H/l) hair length
(H/c) hair colour
(E/c) eye colour

~Rose pov~

"So we are just going to go and find (y/n) then try to sneak her out?" Gene asked trying to remember my plan I had to quickly make.

"Doesn't sound like a good plan!" Zenix said pacing back and forth doubting my ways.

"Id like to see you make a plan in a couple minutes with people you don't even know!" I snapped back at him. He glared at me and probably wanted to kill me.

"Remember you can't kill me!" I taunted him remembering all the reasons why he can't.

1. I'm from the Jury he would be killed if he killed me.

2. They need me to get (y/n) back.

3. I am probably stronger than them.

"Ugh..." Zenix moaned remembering all the reasons its a bad idea killing me. Its fun watching them get annoyed with me.

"Anyway it is a better plan then you think! As soon as I know exactly where she is I can teleport to her and teleport all of us back here... If I have enough energy..." I mumbled the last part hoping no one would hear but I was wrong.

"What happens if you don't have enough power?" Aphmau asked kinda concerned. I thought about it.

"Well if I don't have enough power to teleport... Something could mess up like badly... Last time it happened I got badly injured only because I was lucky." I explained showing them my scar under my sleeve. The worst that could happen is to be stuck in a alternate dimension so it could be anything.

"What's the worst thing that could happen if you dont have power?" Dante asked worried.

"That the person would be stuck in a dimension. I knew someone who could teleport and they were stuck in a dimension full of monsters so they died..." I explained further remembering my friend Jordan who was the person who died.

"So do you know when you don't have enough power?" Laurence asked. All these questions are bringing back bad memories.

"Well it depends. If I'm injured I will know if I'm not I have a chance of knowing. But even if I'm injured there's a slight chance I won't notice. And can we stop with the questions they are bringing back bad memories!" I shouted the last part and they all nodded.

"Wait sorry but one last question can we escape the dimension or are we stuck there?" Aphmau asked I was a bit mad she asked another question but I understood why she asked it.

"Well it depends... Like of we were to be stuck in the Irene dimension Aphmau well Lady Irene could get us out. I can get us out some and there might be some the rest can open but there are some we won't be able to escape." I explained once again. Aphmau nodded and I motioned for them to huddle so I could teleport them all.

"Before I teleport if we are near guards run just run where I'm teleporting us there is a door to the left so go through that door I'll stay behind and try to make them think I was just walking around." I told them the plan once again they nodded. I thought of the place closet to the place (y/n) should be without teleporting right in front of a guard.

I trust him Gene x Reader/ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now