•3• Dante?

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Must remember:

(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
(F/c) fav colour
(S/f/c) second fav colour
(S/t) sword type
(H/l) hair length
(H/c) hair colour
(E/c) eye colour

~Laurence POV ooooo~

"Wow she's fast!" I said just before I couldn't see (Y/n) anymore.

"Yup." Zenix said before he ran after her then Gene then me just realising they left me I ran after her. I haven't seen Phoenix Drop for quite a while all I know is that Aphmau is now called Lady Irene and people visit just to see her!

~(y/n) pov~

Finally the guys arrived at the portal. It took them so long I sat down and started counting the seconds it took them! It took them pretty much a minute! We don't have time to be slacking.

"Finally! LEGO!" I ran through the portal before they could say anything and then one by one they walked through. The sun hurt my eyes so I had to adjust. Once it did I stretched cause I could.

"Hey (y/n) we need to tell you something." Zenix said nudging Gene who had a confused face one. After a little more nudging his face went to normal.

"Ok shoot."  I said sitting under a tree.

"Well to become a full shadow Knight you have to kill someone and you are assigned a person they have to mean something to you and that person is... Is... Is.... Your mother and although your memories you got back showed her as being mean, when Zenix left your Dad left and died from a attack and your mother changed after that she became nicer but you don't remember that because that's when the village was destroyed by us... And after that we left." Gene said sitting under a different tree.

"Wow I didn't know she could be nice! Like how!?!? She was so mean I don't mind killing her!" I replied thinking of all the bad things she did to me and Zenix.

"Yeah she... Well I don't want to talk about what she did. Not right now all I will say is she did horrible things to us. Mainly (y/n) because she thought she was weak and useless but look at her now!" Zenix explained with a tear rolling down his cheek. I kept them in I haven't cried since I destroyed the village.

"Can we just go!?" I shouted with sadness in my voice. The boys nodded and Laurence held his hand out to help me up. I hit it away and used the tree instead. I really didn't want to talk or do anything I wish my life was happier but I know hopefully when we get to Phoenix Drop it will be.

~time skip brought to you by..... Mikasa from Attack On Titan!~

We had arrived at the gate and I saw one thing I wasn't ready to... Dante. I still didn't know if I forgave him or not I was torn. It was good that he did it but he betrayed me!

"Who-- LAURENCE!? And... (Y-y/n)?" Dante shouted as he opened the gates and hugged Laurence I walked over to Zenix to stay away from Dante. That welcome was how do I say... Not nice! He is all happy with Laurence he sees me and snap he doesn't want to open the gates for me!

He spotted Gene and Zenix and grabbed his sword so me and Dante grabbed our weapons (Laurence had his sword you had daggers) and stood in front of the them.

"Don't. Lay. One. Finger. On. Them." I said through gritted teeth. Zenix put a hand on my shoulder and I calmed down a bit. I shouldn't make a bad impression already!

"Why are you protecting them Laurence?! And (y/n) I'm sorry for giving you over and what has happened to you all cloaked up and protecting bad guys!" He didn't put his sword down so me and Laurence tightened our grips. I growled at the things he said. He noticed we weren't backing down so he put his sword away so did Laurence I put my hands down but never let go of my daggers.

"Listen Dante when I was in the nether I met Zenix and we decided to take down the Shadow Lord. The only way we could do that was by making a rebellion. So that males me and Zenix good guys! Now when (y/n) went there she met Zenix and found her real memories. She joined the rebellion. 3 down 1 to go." Before Laurence continued I butted in.

"I SAY THAT!" I whined like a 3 year old. I got some laughs but frowned.

"Ok ok! Anyway there was a battle and Gene and (y/n) were on the bad side so (y/n) ran over to our side and Gene trusted her so he ran over causing most of the shadow knights to come over making us stronger! 4 down no more." Laurence finished as I got bored so I fiddled with my cloak.

"Ok I trust you just one question. (Y/n) why do you have a (f/c) cloak on?" Dante asked so I perked up and looked at him. He couldn't see my face because of my cloak but I had a emotionless expression on. Zenix tugged on my hood causing it to fall down. Now Dante could see my expression and see my eyes went from (e/c) to black. My skin was paler and my hair was messed up and still bloody.

"That's why." Gene said to Dante giving him a 'bro-im-back-baby!' look. I put my daggers back in there slots in my cloak.

"So we going in or not?" I asked a bit annoyed looking tired and bored. Dante nods his head and leads us into the village. I get weird looks and the others get scared looks and some people grabbing protection.

Word count: 999 OOOO

Yes I left it there!

Readers: bad author bad!

Author: sowwy

Readers: fine!

Anyway I left it there cause I got to the amount of words I usually end on so I left it there. I'm laying in bed with a bad head and back also bad jaw geez! XD I was hit in the jaw by a snowball so now I can't talk! Thanks a lot Jake! Anyway bye~

I trust him Gene x Reader/ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now