Chapter 2: Talon

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The sun slowly drifted into the living room from the large window, covering you with golden light and causing you to cover your eyes a little. Damn this east facing window. You slowly pulled yourself up and looked at a wall clock with an Overwatch symbol on it, cheap merchandise but still Lena had bought it. Perhaps to remember what the organisation once meant to people. The clock showed that it was only seven in the morning, late for some people but you tended to enjoy long lay ins, a luxury you'd have to live without once you joined Overwatch. You decided that it would probably be best to get some breakfast, you could even make Tracer some as a token of thanks for her letting you stay here. You opened the fridge and saw a whole host of ingredients, Lena was clearly a fan of cooking and mixing as many different crazy things as she could into a pan. You thought for a moment, what sorts of things do the British actually like to eat? Then your epiphany came, a full English breakfast! It is named after the English after all so surely she'll like it! You grabbed the ingredients and tossed them in different pans; bacon, fried eggs, sausages, baked beans, hash browns and a couple of slices of toast. By the time you were finished, the whole room smelt wonderful as did the breakfast, you'd made just enough for the two of you and loaded up the plates, leaving hers slowly cooking on the pan to keep it warm before taking a seat at the table and digging in.

It wasn't long before Lena staggered out of her bedroom with a great big yawn, clearly despite her energetic nature she was not a morning person. You smiled a little at her sleepwear, child-like orange pyjamas covered in white bunny rabbits. A look of delight appeared on her face as she spied the meal and she quickly took hold of it and joined you at the table, sitting opposite to you.

"You made breakfast! Thanks luv!" she said as she licked her lips at the smell of bacon and sausages.

"It's the least I can do, I appreciate you letting me stay here until the transport arrives"

"Aw, it isn't a problem at all luv. Besides, I reckon it'll be nice to have you around for a few days" she commented with a little wink making you blush slightly.

"So, sleep well Lena?"

"Awesome luv, I dreamt that I was being chased by a giant chicken. What do you think that means?"

"Um, that you're ever so slightly crazy?" you asked with a small grin. She burst out laughing while nodding in agreement.

"So I have to ask; I'm pretty sure you teleported last night. How?"

You noticed a look of sadness appear on her face briefly as she bit into a slice of bacon.

"I...didn't originally join Overwatch as an agent, I was a pilot. Apparently one of the best that there was because I was chosen to test an experimental aircraft that could travel through time known as the Slipstream. There was an...accident and both me and the plane disappeared"

"I'm so sorry, how did you return?"

"A few months afterwards I was found again, but I kept disappearing. Sometimes for months apart, it was a condition people called...Chronal Disassociation. Many scientists tried to find a solution but they couldn't. Eventually a friend of mine called Winston managed to create a device called a Chronal Accelerator that cured me"

"The thing that was on your chest last night?"

She nodded with a small smile on her face.

"So you were staring at my chest huh luv?" she asked jokingly.

You stuttered for a second, going as red as a beetroot before allowing Lena to finish her story.

"Anyway, the device allows me to control my own time as well as keeping me tied to this time zone. I can recall backwards or blink forwards, it's very useful"

Overwatch - Chronos (Tracer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now