Fratboy Harry - Part 1

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A/N: This has a funny story behind it. It started out as a writing prompt I received - "Oh c'mon, one lick won't kill you!" I had no idea what to write but somehow started thinking of a frat party with tequila. After posting that first part, I quickly got requests to continue to the story. Each time I'd write and post another part, I'd get more requests. In the end, this had turned into a ten part series.  Hope you enjoy.

Harry Styles was a cocky asshole. You knew it, everyone within your circle of friends knew it. Hell, everyone on campus probably knew it. He had a reputation and although you wouldn't say you knew him well, you'd run into him enough to make your own assumptions.

So why in God's name you had allowed yourself to be alone with him for a few minutes, you'd never know. There was no arguing that he was attractive. You would even go as far as to say he was incredibly hot and sexy, and most likely amazing in bed. But you'd been warned too many times at various parties to stay away from him because he was bad news and would only break your heart.

But tonight you didn't care. Your heart had been broken and patched up so many times, you doubted it even beat the same. You knew the difference between love and sex, and right now love was the last thing on your mind.

You'd decided to take your drink with you outside on the back porch, feeling the need for some fresh air. The party inside had gotten loud and obnoxious to say the least. Your friends were chatting up some guys, trying to divvy them up between them, but you were less than interested.

Leaning against the deck railing, looking out into the back yard, you heard a voice behind you.

"Nice night, isn't it?"

You craned your neck to see him standing two feet behind you, plaid shirt halfway unbuttoned and beer in his hand. He wore that cocky smirk on his face as he stared at you, waiting for a response. Rolling your eyes, you turned back around.

Oblivious to your contempt, Harry stepped up beside you, resting his forearms on the railing. You didn't dare look at him, though your body buzzed with the energy that his gave off.

"Supposed to be a full moon tonight," he commented. "Not sure if we could see it from here."

When you merely responded with a nod, Harry shifted to face you.

"Do you not talk?" he inquired.

"Of course I talk," you scoffed. "If there's someone worth talking to."

"Ouch," Harry placed his hand over his heart, feigning offense.

You bit your lip, trying to stifle a giggle. Finally you looked up at him.

"Sorry," you muttered. "That was rude."

Harry shrugged, "Can't say it's the rudest thing anyone's said to me. But I accept your apology."

You gave him a soft smile which he returned. Your stomach did a flip and you just knew the color was rising to your cheeks, so you quickly lifted your glass to your mouth.

"What are you drinking?" Harry pointed.

You swallowed. "No idea," you chuckled, suddenly realizing it yourself. "Probably has rum in it."

Harry leaned forward, taking a whiff of your drink, a fruity concoction that someone had made in the kitchen.

"Yeah, smells like it," he grimaced.

"It's not bad," you shrugged before taking another sip.

"I got a better idea," he said, grabbing your hand. Before you could argue, he pulled you toward the door and back into the house.

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