Fratboy Harry - Part 9

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After having basically a week from hell, Saturday had finally rolled around again. Despite having met with your professor, you didn't do as well on your English exam as you'd hoped. On Wednesday you'd had a job interview that had seemed way too short, and you doubted you'd be offered the position. And then on Thursday as you were headed toward your Ethics class, you passed a student body election going on. A guy you recognized from some of the frat parties was giving his speech, his supporters gathered around him on the lawn. That was when you spotted Harry, his arm thrown casually around the shoulders of a blonde girl. Jamie.

Your blood boiling, you began walking faster, nearly bumping into a short peppy girl who was trying to hand you a flyer.

"Please vote for Alex Webster!" she exclaimed, shoving the piece of paper in your face.

You scowled at her, practically ripping it from her hand before storming off.

"Jesus, what's wrong with you?" Jimmy asked when you dropped your backpack on your desk.

"Boys!" you yelled. "You're all so fucking pathetic."

"Hey!" he held his hands up, "Don't lump me in there, please. I'm doing my best."

Your face softened as you sat down. "Sorry, Jimmy. You just may be the exception."

He gave you a grin and patted your hand. "Whoever it is, he's an idiot if he doesn't see how great you are."

You smiled back. "Thanks."

"You going to the party this weekend? I heard it's supposed to be the biggest one this year."

You slumped in your seat and crossed your arms. "Seriously doubt it. I can't deal with fraternity boys and sorority girls anymore."

"I'll be there," Jimmy shrugged. "You can hang out with me. Get drunk and talk smack about everybody."

You threw your head back laughing. "Actually, that does sound pretty sweet."

"So you'll go?"

"I'll think about it."

So now it was Saturday and you were on your way to this stupid frat party with Mandy and a couple other friends. You'd told yourself that you didn't give a shit if you saw Harry or not. He was not your reason for going.

You weren't in the house two seconds before you spotted Jimmy.

"Hey, alright you came!" he greeted you with a hug.

As soon as he released you, your friends had already scattered in different directions. With a shrug, you followed Jimmy into the kitchen where he quickly reached for two cups.

"Nah," you shook your head. "Let's do shots."

"Really?" he raised his eyebrows.


With a wink, Jimmy grabbed the bottle of tequila and two shot glasses, pouring the gold liquid into each and handing you one. You quickly licked the side of your hand, shaking salt onto it.

"Bottoms up," you said before licking the salt and taking the shot.

The warm liquor warmed your throat instantly as you reached for a lime wedge to suck on.

"Another," you announced when you tossed the lime in the trash.

"You sure?" chuckled Jimmy.

"Let's get this party rolling!" you danced, making Jimmy laugh harder.

He poured you another shot, and this time you downed it without bothering with the salt or lime. You shook your head after swallowing, the sting making you cringe slightly. You slammed the shot glass down on the counter and blinked at Jimmy.

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