Just For The Record

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The concert was amazing. You were practically running on adrenaline as you and Harry exited the venue and found his car, still bouncing on your heels to the tunes of the classic rock band lingering in your head.

Climbing into the passenger seat, you quickly found the playlist that Harry had made, wanting to immediately return to the feeling that the concert had given you. You felt him squeeze your hand after he turned down the street, giving you his dazzling smile.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked, his eyes dancing.

"The best!" you exclaimed, returning his grin. "It was so awesome!"

"I'm so glad you went with me," he declared. "I have so much fun with you."

You squeezed his hand back, scooting closer to him and placing a kiss on his shoulder before leaning back against your headrest.

"I think I might've gotten a bit of that second hand smoke," you giggled.

"From that group behind us?" Harry smirked.

"Yeah. I could smell it the whole show. It was pretty strong."

Harry looked over at you. "Have you ever smoked?"

You shrugged. "A couple times. It's been a while."

"Did you like it?"

You started to reply with a yes before you stopped and eyed him. "Why?"

Harry expelled a nervous chuckle, his focus on the road ahead of him.

"Harry..." you turned in your seat to face him. "Do you smoke pot?"

He shifted a bit, cocking his head. "On occasion."

Your eyes widened. "Do you have some?"

He gazed over at you, his thumbs sliding down the steering wheel. "I might."

You gasped, your hands gripping your seatbelt. "Where?"

"It's not on me," he replied. "But I have some at home."

"Really?" you inquired softly. "Can we..."

Harry shrugged. "If you want."

You bit your lip, giving him a nod. When you made it back to his place, you followed Harry through his garage into the back door. Tossing his keys on the kitchen counter, he walked to the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water, handing you one. After taking several large gulps, Harry grinned at you.

"Come 'ere," he said, gesturing for you to follow him to the bedroom.

You leaned against the door frame as you watched Harry pull out a drawer in his bedside table. Closing it, he turned around with a small box in his hands.

"C'mon, we'll go outside," he suggested, passing you and walking toward the back porch.

The night was warm, the sky completely clear. You shut the sliding door behind you as Harry set the box on the patio table. Sitting on the chair beside him, you watched as he opened the box, pulling out a rolled up bag full of the contents you'd been anticipating. Your mouth began to water when he took the rolling papers, sprinkling some of the cannabis inside. Once he had the joint rolled and secure, he lit it with a lighter, inhaling deeply.

He grinned as he handed it to you, blowing the smoke out slowly. You took it with only slight hesitation, for you were more excited than anything. Harry's gaze made you weak in the knees before the joint even met your lips. You hadn't really been dating that long - six weeks maybe? You liked him a lot, and you thought he liked you as well. But one thing was certain. You loved the way he looked at you.

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