Back For You

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You'd felt your phone vibrate in class alerting you of a text, but you waited until you were out in the hall to read it. A smile slowly spread across your face when you realized it was from Harry.

At the hotel.

You hurried to a bench where you sat down to reply to him. You'd met Harry over a year ago in London at a charity fundraiser where your friend's father was the chairman. You'd hit it off immediately, and by the end of the evening you were fast friends, exchanging phone numbers. You'd been accepted to a prestigious university, and you were now in your third year, studying to be a surgeon. You'd been anticipating Harry's return, but this time not just as a friend. For the last few months, you'd become something more. Neither of you had put a label on it yet, nor had you told any of the other boys. But your heart seemed to thump a little harder in your chest each time you saw him, or heard from him, or even thought of him.

Just got out of class. What time do you want me there?

You watched the three dots come up, Harry's reply moments later.

ASAP. We're finished with promo. Rest of the day is free.

You bit your lip, typing a quick text to let him know you were on your way.

— —

"Hi there, love, gimme a hug!" exclaimed Louis when he opened the door.

You embraced him, stepping into the suite. You could hear the voices of the other boys, the television mixed in. You'd just rounded the corner when you nearly bumped into Harry.

"Hey, you're here!" he beamed, grabbing your shoulders.

"I'm here," you giggled.

Harry pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug. You breathed in his scent, your head buried in his neck.

"I missed you," you heard him murmur in your hair.

Stepping back, you gazed up at him. "I missed you, too."

"C'mon," he said, taking your hand. "You want something to drink?"

You followed Harry to the kitchen area, opting for a soda which he opened for you. Then with his hand on the small of your back, you walked with him to where the other boys sat watching TV. Giving Niall, Liam and Zayn quick hugs, you observed the display of food.

"Jeez, guys, hungry?" you teased.

"It's for everybody," said Niall, stuffing a triangle-shaped sandwich in his mouth. "Help yourself."

"Thanks," you smirked, reaching for a handful of candy from the bowl on the table. Then you squeezed into an oversized chair next to Harry.

You sat chatting with the boys for a while until the movie that had been going was over and they started a new one. You felt Harry's arm wound around your waist, scooting you closer to him. You smiled up at him before he planted a kiss on your temple. Looking around at the other boys, they seemed to be oblivious to anything going on between you, so you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Are you cold?" you heard him ask a few minutes later as he dragged his fingers down your upper arm.

You shrugged. "A little."

Sitting up, Harry reached for a blanket that was folded on the floor nearby, spreading it out and covering you both with it.

"Thanks," you whispered.

Returning your head to his shoulder, you could feel his breath tickle your hair.

"[Y/N]," you suddenly heard him murmur.

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