Fratboy Harry - Part 8

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The next week went by pretty fast, and you were fairly busy with school. But to say you hadn't thought about Harry once would have been a lie. Of course you thought about him. He had burrowed himself into your brain, and had taken residence under your skin like an itch you couldn't scratch.

But you were still angry. You knew you had been right when you called him out. He was a fake and a phony. And you wanted nothing more to do with him. The fact that he hadn't called or texted since that night told you all you needed to know.

This time, you insisted to Mandy that you were not going this weekend's party. For once she didn't try to persuade you. She understood.

You spent the evening watching television and eating popcorn in solitude. By the time you got a text from Mandy saying she was headed home, your eyelids were heavy. You texted her back to tell her to be careful and that you were going to bed.

By the way, she texted again, he was there.

So what? you texted back.

What Harry Styles did was none of your concern. He could jump off a cliff for all you cared.

I'll tell you about it in the morning.

You huffed out a breath and crawled into your bed, turning out your bedside lamp. You laid in the darkness, staring at the ceiling. It wasn't until you heard Mandy's key in the door that you realized you'd spent the last twenty minutes thinking about Harry. Dammit!

Tossing back the covers, you leapt out of bed and walked into the living room where Mandy was shrugging out of her jacket.

"Hey," she said surprised. "I thought you went to bed."

"Can't fucking sleep now, thanks," you mumbled.

She sighed, giving you a knowing look. "Wanna sit down?"

She gestured toward the couch where you reluctantly took a seat. Mandy stood before you, her hands on her hips.

"So Harry was there," she began, biting her lip.

"Yeah, you mentioned that."

Mandy gazed around the room, no doubt trying to think of the right words to paint her picture. She began to fidget, making you nervous in the process.

"Spit it out!" you finally demanded.

"Okay! You know my friend Samantha?"

"Yeah..." you raised a brow.

"So it seems she's dorm mates with a certain girl named Jamie."


"Yeah," Mandy nodded. "THE Jamie. Now I'm not sure how much of the story Samantha knows, but apparently she was under the impression that Jamie and Harry were dating."

You frowned. "Okayyy."

Mandy shook her head. "Let me back up. A little while after I got there, I was in the kitchen and Harry showed up. I don't think he knows who I am, or that I'm friends with you or anything, but I kinda kept my distance, just in case. He was busy with his friends anyway, and they were doing shots."

"Oh jeez," you rolled your eyes, the memory of that first night resurfacing.

"So anyway, Samantha arrived and I was talking to her and Harry walked by. He waved at her and she said hi. I just kind of casually asked her if she knew him and she said yeah, he was her dorm mate's boyfriend."

You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. You crossed your arms over your stomach and looked down at the carpet.

"I then mentioned that I'd heard he wasn't dating anyone, you know, just to see what she'd say?," Mandy continued. "And she said that she hadn't actually seen him lately so she wasn't sure if they broke up."

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