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You'd been scouring the internet just like any other fan. You'd seen the pictures and the cute little video clip of him on the boat, wiggling his bum. Only you were the lucky one. You were on your way to see him. After a couple of months apart, you were finally going to be with him again, face to face. And you were ecstatic.

As soon as your plane landed, you texted him. You knew he was still on set and probably not able to answer his phone, but by the time you got in the car that he had sent to pick you up, he'd replied, saying he couldn't wait to see you.

You saw him before you even got out of the car. Your heart felt like it was in your throat. He looked amazing. You couldn't get out fast enough. But for security reasons, you had to stop for a moment. Once you got the all clear signal, you bolted toward him, embracing him tightly.

"I missed you so much," you whispered against his ear.

"I missed you too, my love."

You had barely stepped back when you realized a crowd of people were around you. They had probably been there all along - it was a movie set after all. You just had been too focused on Harry to notice.

"This is crazy," you shook your head, gazing around and taking it all in.

"Yeah, it is," chuckled Harry.

You looked back at him. "You did it Harry. You're in a movie."

"I am." His smile grew across his face, his dimples dipping in his cheeks.

You lean into him again, your hands on his chest as you place a soft kiss on his lips with no regard to who might've been watching.

"I'm so proud of you," you murmured against his mouth.

"C'mon," he said, taking your hands. "I'll show you around."

Harry walked you through the set, introducing you to so many people, you couldn't keep up with all of their names. But one thing was certain. They all seemed very fond of Harry. But that was no surprise to you.

"So how do you put up with him all the time?" asked one of the crew members with a wink.

"Heyyyyy," scoffed Harry, giving him a jab with his elbow.

You covered your mouth to keep from laughing so hard. Harry side-eyed you and you quickly grabbed his arm, giggling into his shoulder.

"I'll have you know, she's just as goofy as I am," Harry announced.

You lifted your head and sucked in your lips. Then you gave a nod.

"Okay, that's true," you admitted.

The crew laughed. You felt Harry's arm wrap around you and tickle your side before pulling you closer to him. You wound your arm around him then as you said goodbye to the crew and they told you it was a pleasure to meet you.

You and Harry strolled for a bit until you were far enough away from any of the cast or crew to hear you. Releasing his arm from around you, he took your hand, lifting it to his mouth and kissing it softly. Your smile faded when he stopped walking, turning to face you.

"I really missed you," he said, lifting his hand to lightly brush your cheek.

"Me too," you whispered, stepping closer to him. Your grin return as you took in his gorgeous face. "I really like your hair."

Harry chuckled. "Yeah?"

"Mmm hmm," you nodded. "It suits you." Placing your hands on his hips, you playfully bumped him with your own. "You're so handsome."

Harry kept his gaze on you as you slid your hands up his torso, stopping when your fingers wrapped around a string that hung from his neck.

"What's this?" you asked.

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