Fratboy Harry - Part 10

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You awoke with a jolt. Sitting up, you felt a deep burning in your stomach. The room was spinning, and the fact that it was dark didn't help. For a second you forgot where you were until you recognized the record player and vinyl collection that sat underneath the window.

Bolting out of bed, you ran for the bathroom. You barely made it to the toilet before the vomit rose to your throat. When you thought you'd expelled everything you possibly could, another wave of nausea came over you. As you fell to your knees, you suddenly felt a hand grab your hair, pulling it back out of your face. Your body trembled while another hand rubbed your back. You stayed there on the floor beside the porcelain throne for a few minutes until the sickness subsided. Lifting your head, you wiped your eyes.

"Here," said Harry, handing you a tissue.

"Thanks," you muttered, taking it from him to blow your nose.

You rose to your feet, Harry standing with you, his hand still on your back.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice deep and raspy.

"Not really," you shook your head, though it hurt to do so.

"C'mon. Let's get you back to bed."

You followed Harry back to the bedroom, easing down on the pillow slowly, noticing that Harry had turned the lamp on.

"You might be more comfortable without those on," he pointed at your jeans.

You knew he didn't mean anything sexual by it, and you nodded. You were sweating profusely as it was. Sitting up again, your head throbbing, you began to unbutton your jeans.

"Be right back," said Harry, turning for the bathroom again.

When he returned, you'd removed your jeans as well as your bra and were lying underneath the covers.

"Here, take these," he demanded, handing you two pills and a glass of water.

With a grimace, you sat up once more, taking the items from him. When you'd swallowed the pills, you set the glass on the nightstand. When your head hit the pillow this time, Harry placed a cool wet wash cloth on your forehead. You sighed with relief, shutting your eyes.

"Is that better?" you heard Harry inquire as you felt him sit beside you.

"Mmm hmm," you sounded. "Room's still spinning though."

"Yeah, it probably will for a while," he remarked. "Just try to get some more sleep."

You felt Harry's hand brush your hair back before he placed a soft kiss on your nose. Then you felt the bed shift again as Harry got up and walked over to his side and turned out the light.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" you asked just above a whisper.

You heard Harry clear his throat as he crawled underneath the sheets.

"We'll talk about it in the morning."

"What time is it?"

"Five A.M."

"It's morning, then," you noted.

Harry was silent for a moment, though you could hear his breathing. You could tell he was lying on his side facing you, even with your eyes closed. You jumped when you felt his hand touch your skin underneath the covers, running the backs of his fingers down your arm.

"Get some sleep, baby," he murmured, his hand meeting yours and giving it a squeeze.

— —

You were alone when you woke up again, but you could detect the sounds of someone puttering around in the kitchen. You groaned as you licked your lips, realizing that your mouth was dryer than a desert. When you sat up and stretched, your head felt like a bowling ball.

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