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Axcel's POV
    It has been 2 days after the incident and I can't seem to move on to what had happened. Ugh. I should've listen to my instinct. But other than that everything is normal. And about those girls who challenged me,well they've been punished. I also got scolded by my parents and forbided  me from going near the sea. Tsk.

"Axcel!Hurry up and get down! Your going to be late for school!"

"Yes Mom! Be right there" I answered and quickly grab my bag to go downstairs. Today is Monday, and its the start of a new bright week. I guess?

"Goodness gracious! What happened to your hair? And why are you wearing a cap?" my mother asked. I looked at her in disbelief and answered.

"I tied it into a ponytail. Because its hot outside."

"Come here. Sit down, I'll style you properly. Tsk. You should be more ladylike, don't act like your a boy because from what I know you were born with an open center." she scolded while untying my hair. I got so embarrassed.

"Mom! Do you have to say that?" I whined. Now, its her turn to look at me in disbelief.

"Why? Your shy to say it? But it's true."

"I know!"

"Hahah. Okay, I'll stop now. I wouldn't want to see  my daughter running because she is chased by a bull. You're as red as a tomato" she said while laughing. I just glared at her. Sometimes i get confused whether my mother is just a spirit of a little girl trapped in an old lady's body or her body just got old and her mind didn't. Which is which?

"Okay bye sweetheart! Take care."

"Bye Mom!" I replied. Actually i go to school early, but since my body is still tired i woke up late. tss.

"Well, someone is having a bad morning" i looked to see a person leaning on a wall and had his arms crossed.

"And?" He smiled and hugged me as soon as he stood straight.

"I missed you! How's break fast?" I just rolled my eyes. Can you believe it? Just a second ago he was acting cool, now he's being soft. Like what is happening?

"Fine. How about yours?"

"Good. Hey...You look prettier today. Something happened?" I narrowed my eyes unto him which made him feel uncomfortable.

"What? Why are you being like that?" he asked.

"Nothing never mind that. Let's go?" I said trying to change the topic.

"Okay" And we walked all the way to school. Luckily we're not late.

The day started normally, except for the hatred of the girls that challenged me last time. They would do things that could get me into trouble because they would always blame me.


"Ma'am, Axcel did it! she made all of this i saw her"

"Axcel, is it true? Are you the one who did it?" the teacher asked me. I didn't utter any word since I'm really angry at that time. How could i be the one who vandalized the classroom's wall? I couldn't even hurt a fly!

"Ma'am believe me, she's the one who did it"

"Hey Lisa! How could Axcel do it when I know that she doesn't want to get into trouble? And i know my cousin well, she couldn't destroy things that are not hers. Why would we believe you? You always lie to us ever since elementary" Jackson defended me.

"Yeah. Jackson's right!" Agreed by Diyn.

"And? So? That doesn't mean that she can be a saint forever. I'm just telling the truth" Lisa defended. Sometimes I wondered why does this girl hate me so much?

"Okay enough! This debate will continue till forever if the three of you wont stop. Axcel ,since Lisa said that she saw you doing this you will be punished. Clean the whole library after classes. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." Ugh! I don't like her anymore!

End of flashback~~

Tss. Luckily Lance was there to help me. And I also found out what made her do that. Poor her. Who told her to love a guy like Lance. Girls.


After class i immediately went to the library so that i could start cleaning and go home early.

"What the fudge?! What happened here?"  what were the students doing here? I thought this was a library, why does it look like a there's a rally that happened here? Tsk. Students should learn how to clean up there mess.

"Aish! What did I do to her that makes her hate me? From what i remember i didn't do anything wrong. I'm guessing Lance had something to do with this" I said while sweeping the crumpled papers on the floor.

"Hey what does my name had to with your problem?" A voice sudden spoke that made me jump out of fright.

"Shesh. You scared me! What are you doing here anyway Lance?" I said to him.

"I was sleeping when i heard my name" he explained.

"Why are you cleaning the library anyway?" he asked.

"Ask Lisa"

"Ugh. What did she do this time?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"She painted the whole wall in the back of our classroom with dirty words and blamed it to me, that's why I've been punished. I have a feeling that you have something to do with this. Did you used my name to escape her?" I said looking at him.

"Uhm. Yes...? I'm sorry. I used your name to push her away. Because when it comes to you she immediately turns away and its like she's been poured by a bucket of melted ice."

"Now, i know. Okay, apology accepted. But come down from there. You have to help, since you're the one whose responsible for all of this." I commanded.

"What?! Now way."

"Are you going to help or what?!" i said to him giving a warning look.

"Okay okay..chill. I'll help."he surrendered

"Good boy. And also let me borrow your headphone please and don't say that your going to need them because i know you have more than two of them inside your bag, now hand it over" I said to him

"Okay Ma'am as you wish" and he handed me  his headphone. Hehehe. I always got them under control. Lance is Diyn's best friend and he's my close friend.

We started cleaning the whole library and we had fun doing it. He would always give jokes and do something crazy. We sing and dance at the same time. It was really fun, after we're done cleaning we immediately went home and Lance "escorted" me home. Pfft. I was laughing so hard when he said the word escorted.

"Bye princess!" he said and kissed my forehead. Don't me. Us three, Me, Diyn and Lance are very close so the whole kissing the forehead thing is just normal.

"Bye Lance" And I kiss his cheeks.

"Eww..Your saliva. Yucks" he jokingly said.

"Yeah whatever. Go home now. Good night" and went inside the house.

End of flashback~

I have crazy friends around me. Maybe that's the reason why i always do crazy things.

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