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Piscero's side*

Minwoo's PoV

"Hey Draco, would you please stay out of the way? I'm working here." Kairo said to Draco while making actions with his hands telling Draco to move.

"And that concerns me what?" Draco questioned mockingly that made Kairo annoyed.

"Listen you ...Fish! I'm doing this to replace the Crim Stone that you broke. Now, out of the way!" Kairo exclaimed which captured Janu and Leo's attention.

"What is the meaning of this?! Kairo, why are you raising your voice?" Said Janu. He is the only one that can control us, since he's the eldest.

"Why don't you ask Draco? I'm sure he'll give you the right answers." Kairo answered still annoyed and went off to he's study room. Uh-oh.

"What happened?"Leo questioned Draco.

"He is just having his monthly period." And with that i burst into laughter, so did Janu. While Leo is still confused.

"What is monthly period?" he asked innocently. Even though I'm the youngest , I still beat my older siblings when it comes to human knowledge. kkk~

"It's a girl thing in the human world Leo hyung." I explained, Leo hyung just nodded. And we used the korean word 'hyung' to call our elder siblings because it's short and catchy.

"Hey...how come you know this kind of stuff? You're still young!" Leo hyung scolded.

"Eh? I'm sorry i always wonder around the ocean until i heard this word. Please forgive me." I said while looking down.

"Esh. It's okay." Janu hyung said and patted my back.

"Why can't you guys be like Minwoo? I'm pretty sure we'll all be getting along just fine without having arguments on things." He said which made me smile.

"Hey. Everyone of us is different you know, we are born unique! Do you think that every creature present in this world will notice us if we're like them? No. So don't expect us to be like one another." Draco exploded.

Okay this is bad! Really really bad!

"Hehehe...guys Janu hyung was just joking. Whoo. Hyung you're really funny!" I said trying to break the tension between them.

"Okay break it up you two, we have company" We looked to Kairo hyung with a questioned look.

"Outside" he signaled. Janu hyung immediately went beside the window and looked outside.

"Mermaids...lots of them" and thy all looked at me. Oh no I'm in big trouble.

"Okay. Kairo , set the forcefield. Draco go set the whirlpools. Leo and Minwoo , you two come with me. We'll try to settle this the peaceful way." We all nodded to his plan. Janu is known to be a kj in our family. He is that type which makes you laugh for 10 seconds and makes you forget that you have knowledge in things. But he is also known for being a good leader and a caring and loving brother. Okay so much for that..

We headed outside the Gold castle and faced a whole legion of mermaids. Janu stopped us and continue to go forward by himself. And so did Mariana, she's the leader of the mermaids.

"Ah. Janu ..nice to see you again." said Mariana while looking at Janu in a seductive way. Yuck! The reason why i don't like mermaids is that they are very seductive and possessive.

"Hmm...And what brings you here again Mariana?" Janu spoke seriously. I like how my brother snobs other creatures excluding us (his brothers).

"Glad you asked. Melisa!  Come here!" she shouted. And the mermaid that I fought with last time make its way beside Mariana.

"You see...my daughter here was badly injured. She said that one of your brothers had attacked her" she started.

"Ahh..Yes. Well, you see my brother is only doing his duty as a guardian. He protected the human that your daughter was about to KILL" Janu put and emphasis in the word kill

"Hmm...is that so? Darling is he telling the truth?" Mariana asked Melisa.

"Don't dare to lie in front of your kind" I heard Janu's thoughts he is using he's powers to communicate Melisa using only his mind.

Melisa bit her lower lips before she answered.

"Yes. He is telling the truth. I tried to kill that human girl because he was just like you. She didn't have any tails but she has fish scales in her legs similar to yours but see has them in very attractive color." she explained.


We became silent. That slap was to hard that the sound echoed through out the whole area.

"You're a disgrace to our kind! You shouldn't be called as a guardian! Take her away!" Mariana commanded. And the mer-guards took Melisa away.

"I'm sorry for the trouble that we've caused. Consider this whole thing as a surprise visit from us mermaids. Till we meet again" Then she turned her back and lead her legion back to where they came from. Wewss! That was close!

"Brothers! I think we need to find that girl" Janu uttered

"Agreed" said Kairo.

" In the potion room" he ordered.

We meet up in potion room and saw Draco working on a potion.

"Wow you're quick!" We all said in unison.


"We're going to the human world right? So we're going to drink this.." then he handed us a small bottle of purple liquid.

"You sure this will work?" Leo hyung asked.

"Well only one way to find out...Bottoms up!" Then he drink the potion and we followed. I felt a bit dizzy then I finally lost consciousness.

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