Beaten: Chapter 9

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I woke up to see all of my friends spread across the room, sleeping. Except for Natsu. "Natsu."I whispered. He shot his eyes up at me.


It honestly felt like time had stopped. I stared into his oynx eyes, and his unto my chocolate brown ones.

"Luce, are you okay?" I looked down. "It doesn't matter."I whispered.

A knock at the door came and it opened. I tensed greatly. "F-father...what are you doing here?" He fake smiled. "I just wanted to see how my little girl was doing."

I glared at him. Laxus stirred. Oh no, if he sees him he'll kill him. "Jude."he said while glaring. Oh no.

He stood up quickly, waking everyone else up. "I don't think I finished were we left off." Natsu stood up as well, cracking his fingers. "I'm all fired up, now!

~3rd p.o.v~
The others had to pry the boys off of Lucy's father. They were still thrashing trying to get a hold of him. "Guys, stop."Lucy  said.

They all stared at her. Natsu went back by her bed and sat down in his chair, and so did the others.

The nurse came in to give Lucy her daily medicine and check her vitals when she noticed the tension in the room.

Lucy was the first to speak. "Can you please get him out of the room?"she whispered, but said it loud enough to be heard.

The nurse nodded and pushed him out the door. She came back in and set some pills down in front of Lucy(pain killers and pills to speed up the process).

"Thank you." The nurse left as quickly as she had came. 

Natsu was the first to speak. "When you get out of here, we're going to the cops." Everyone nodded in agreement.

I started to get up and they pushed me back down.

"Not yet."

I layed back down and huffed. "Get some rest, Luce." I nodded and closed my eyes. And soon, I was in a deep rest.

Beaten(NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now