Chapter 2- Voice from Within

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                I was tired. As much as I enjoyed it, making videos was a lot of work, as you'd expect, and it wore me out. I had spent the whole day filming, editing, and so on. That was enough to make anyone exhausted, but the added weight of Dark kept me up at night, so I didn't have much energy . Watching over the videos I had filmed today, it seemed obvious to me, and I was sure my viewers would notice it too. The bags under my bloodshot eyes, the subdued attitude. It seemed forced. And it was. I remember when making videos was an escape from my troubles, when I could spend a few hours forgetting all my problems and just laugh my ass off at stupid videos on the internet, or do ridiculous challenges that sometimes made me laugh so hard that I got tears in my eyes.

             Now that was gone. It didn't matter that the camera was on, I could still hear him. Day and night, he was in my head, torturing me , berating me, telling me to give up. He was cruel, he would drive me to the edge and just when I couldn't take anymore , he would leave. No, he didn't leave , I could still feel his cold presence all the time, but he went silent. After a while, when I thought maybe I could rest, he was back, worse then ever.

           I'm lying in bed, waiting in vain for the sleep that will never come. He's in my head again. Am I going mad?


Hello ! I know, this is a bit slow going, but for anyone reading this, I promise, the story and action will start in the next chapter. Please, if you're reading this and enjoyed it, let me know! I welcome all feedback, critique, suggestions, ideas, comments, etc, etc , etc. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, I will see you in the next chapter! 

Buh- Bye!

Also- In the next two chapters, I'll be putting in the same song. I think it really corresponds with the next two parts, especially if you listen to it while reading. I don't know how it will work out, as it's the first time I'm adding music to a chapter. I just felt it would fit, so let me know what you think about it. Buh-Bye!

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