Chapter IV

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The students are in the Main Hall to eat breakfast before watching the Quidditch game. As I sit, Pedlum, my owl, flies and gives me my mail. 

“Too early for mail?” Denise asks.

“Yes, too early," I whisper. "I wonder what’s inside.” I open the mail.“It’s a broomstick. Nothing special.”

“It’s not an ordinary broomstick, Audric. It is the Nimbus 2000! Jst like your grandfather’s, my grandma told me!” Denise says with awe. 

“Are you scared, Audric?” Benedict asks me.

“Oh, just a little. I’m just nervous.” I answer. 

”It's alright. I felt the same way before my first game.” Benedict assures me. 

“What happened?” 

“I.. uh...I don't really remember... Took a Bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke in the hospital a week later.”

“Hello! Welcome to Hogwart's first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor! The player take their positions as Madame Hooch steps onto the field to begin the game!” Tridee shouts with overflowing energy. 

“Now, I want a nice clean game from all of you.” Madame Hooch orders.

“The Bludgers are up. Followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember the Snitch is worth 150 points. The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game. The Quaffle is released and the game begins! Luna Sereneblass scores! Ten points for Gryffindor!” Heartrich shouts.

“Well done!” Hagrid cheers.

“Slytherin takes the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint. Another ten points to Gryffindor!”

“Give me that! Take that side!” William Lockhart, Beater, exclaims.

“What's going on with Audric's broomstick?” Hagrid asks Daphne. 

“It's Anguis! He's jinxing the broom!” Daphne shouts.

“Jinxing the broom?! What do we do?” Denise asks. 

“Leave it to me!” Daphne says with fiery eyes; “Lacarnum Inflamarae.” 

“Fire! You're on fire!” Ceurbinn shouts.

“Go, go, go, go! Looks like he's gonna be sick!” Hagrid worries. 

“He's got the Snitch! Audric Goldfaber receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!” Heartrich announces. “Gryffindor wins!”As soon as Tridee Heartrich says that, Professor Dumbledore and Profesdor McGonagall clap their hands and cheer at the top of their voices. 

“Yes!” Hagrid shouts. "Audric Goldfaber! Gyffindor! Audric Goldfaber! Gyffindor! Audric, Audric! Gryffindor!” His fellow Gryffindors yell as they walk in towards the castle to fetch some dinner.

“Woah. Audric, you were good back there. Great job!” Olivia Greft, the Chaser, tells me. 

“Thank you.” I reply. 

“Wow, Audric. You caught the Snitch! Just like your good old grandpa, eh.” Jaime says with a big smile on his face. 

“Yeah, I think you inherited Harry’s skills on Quidditch.” Denise and Daphne both agree.

“Professor Dumbledore, don’t you think it’s about time to tell Audric about his parents? We kept it from him for a time now, sir. ” Professor McGonagall asked Professor Dumbledore. 

“Professor McGonagall, it’s good to see that Audric is having fun. You are right, I guess it is time to inform Audric.” Professor Dumbledore replied. He walked to the Main Hall and said, “It has been a great pleasure watching the players pay Quidditch like that of Harry Potter. Also, the cheering of the students to support their teams is impressive. For that, I award the houses, 10 points. You may now proceed to your dormitories and Audric Goldfaber of the Gryffindor house, please proceed to my office. Thank you.”

After hearing the announcement, we go to our dormitories after we have eaten our dinner. 

“Audric, do you think you’re in trouble?” Jamie asks. 

“I don’t know,” I say. 

I go to Professor Dumbledore’s office and knock. “Prof. Dumbledore, sir. Here I am, Audric.”

“Come here and have a seat.” Professor Dumbledore orders. 

“You know that Lord Morte---err the Dark Duke is rising and regaining his father’s powers. Audric, I’m sorry to say that he… He killed, um. He killed your parents.”

I can't stay. I stand and run to my room crying. 

“I’m going to kill him. I am!” I whisper to myself, tears streaming down my face.

Audric Goldfaber: The Dark Duke's RiseWhere stories live. Discover now