Chapter VI

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Jamie, Denise, Daphne and I are in the school library to prepare and study for the forthcoming final exams. We see Hagrid, who mysteriously hides something from its back.

“Hey, Audric. Look, it’s Hagrid! What’s he hiding huh?” Jamie asks.

“I do not know, Jamie. Why don’t you sneak?” I suggest.

“Okay.” He answers. Jamie sneaks in where Hagrid is, and comes back with books like Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland, From Egg to Inferno and A Dragon Keeper's Guide.

“I suspect that Hagrid wants to have a Dragon. It is against the law to keep a Dragon, as dragon breeding was outlawed by the Warlock's Convention of 1709.” Denise says. 

“You inherited Hermione’s habit of being a ‘know-it-all’," Daphne teases. After a hurt expression on Denise's face she quickly adds, "Just kidding. But there are no more dragons in Britain!” 

“There are still Dragons in Britain, three known species being the Common Welsh Green, Lernean Trihead Hydra and the Hebridean Black.” Jamie explains. “Why don’t we go later to Hagrid’s hut?” 

“Yeah, it’s a great idea.” I agree. 

We wait until sun down to go to Hagrid’s hut. 

“Hello there, munchkins!” Hagrid greets us.

“Hello, Hagrid. Ooh. What is that circular thing? An egg?” Daphne asks.

“Oh, come in. Come in. Well, yes, it is an egg.” Hagrid explains.

“Is that an egg of a Pegasus?” Jamie queries.“Oh, you dumb. It is a dragon egg. I won it last night from a stranger! Mark my word, it is the last hydra.” Hagrid tells us.

“Oh, I know what a Hydra is! It is a dragon-like creature that has many heads from Greece. It is said to dwell on the lakes of Greece. But how can it be since they are all extinct since 1278?” Denise inquires. 

“Well said, Miss Witty! I agree but this is the last of all magnificent creatures. It is found on the Lake Dystos after it is drained.” Hagrid says. “Oh look!" I notice something interesting. "Smoke comes out of its shell? Is it hatching?”

“Oh my. Yes! It is hatching!” Hagrid exclaims. He is very close to creatures like dragons, hippogriffs and the like considering that his mother, Fridwulfa is considered the “Shoulder of Creatures."

The egg hatches and behold, a Lernean Trihead Hydra appears. 

“And I shall call him Gorbash.” Hagrid says, smiling. 

“It is so cute, can I touch it? Awww!” Denise says in admiration. “Hey look, isn’t that Furvus?”

“Shoot. Yes, it is him. Come on now. Let’s run. Bye Hagrid and bye Gorbash.” I tell him as we bid good bye to our ‘friends’.

“Good evening. Nothing I repeat nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken.” Professor McGonagall scolds.

“50?!” Denise exclaims with such doubt.

“Each. And to ensure that it doesn't happen again all four of you will receive detention.” he adds. “Excuse me, prof. I wish I hadn’t heard you wrong. You said ‘four of us.'” Drake says coming up to him.

“No you heard me correctly Mr. Furvus. You see, honorable as your intentions were you too were out of bed after hours. You will join you classmates in detention.” Professor McGonagall replies.

“A pity they let the old punishments die. Was a time detention found you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons? God, I'll miss the screaming. You'll be in detention till tomorrow 3 o’clock. A sorry lot, this, Hagrid. Oh good God you're not still on about that bloody dragon now are you?” Argus Filch, School Caretaker, says to Hagrid. 

“Gorbash is gone. Dumbledore sent him to Ireland where first-class trainers for dragons live and study.” Hagrid says to the troop, somehow crying.

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