KOTLC React to Christmas Eve

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Sophie: It's Christmas Eve! I used to always leave cookies out for Santa when I was little!

Fitz: Why do humans leave cookies out for a fat guy who breaks into your house and leaves gifts?

Sophie: I dunno, humans are kinda weird. *shrugs*

Keefe: If I did that, I would just sneak downstairs and eat the cookies.

Tam: Oh, of course you would.

Keefe: What? I'm sure these... uh... cookie things are delicious.

Linh: How does this *air quotes* "Santa" guy get into your house anyway?

Sophie: Through the chimney.

Biana: How would he even fit through the chimney?

Sophie: Magic.

Dex: There's no such thing as magic.

Sophie: Believe in magic, you muggle!

Keefe: What's a muggle?

Sophie: We are no longer friends.

Keefe: Oh, come on Foster. Like you could stop being friends with me?

Sophie: *rolls eyes* Never mind...

Fitz: How does Santa even get to all of the houses in one night?

Sophie: Like I said, magic.

Dex: And like I said, there is no such thing as magic.

Sophie: Is your name Vernon Dursley or something... Sheesh...

Keefe: Oh, hey! The mistletoe we put up is still there!

Tam: Nope. *leaves*

Sophie: I thought we weren't ever going to speak of that again.

Dex: Oh... I remember that...

Keefe: Hey there, kissy dude.

Dex: *facepalms* I'm done. *walks away, still facepalming*

Biana: I think Keefe wins for amount of kisses.

Keefe: I WIN!

Fitz: That might not be a good thing.

Sophie: It doesn't seem like we're not talking about it.

A/N: I'm tired, merry almost Newton-mas everyone! Sorry that the references have been all over the place this chapter. This probably isn't the last Christmas themed chapter, so PREPARE FOR MORE! (UNLESS I'M LAZY!)

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