KOTLC React to this cringy thing I made with my friend (Part 5)

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A/N: Hey guys, if you're wondering where Part 4 is, it's before the Canada/Independence Day.

Tam: Are we almost done?

Linh: Stoppit Tam! We're only halfway through!

Sophie: You're like that kid that says "Are we there yet?" every three minutes!

Tam: *glares at Sophie*

"Stina and Dex finally stopped kissing,"

Dex: Thank god!

"And then Dex threw up,"

Dex: At least this part makes sense.

"And Stina was happy because she secretly liked Dex,"

Dex: Somebody get me a bucket!

Sophie: I'll be right back!

Dex: Never mind, bucket not needed.

Fitz: *yells* Sophie, bring a mop too!

Biana: *wrinkles nose* Eww.

"But she pretended she didn't and yelled at Biana then leaped away."

Sophie: Good, she's gone.

"Dex dared Tam to wear a frilly pink tank top with the frilliest, puffiest skirt."

Biana, Linh, Sophie, Keefe, Dex, and Fitz: *dying of laughter*

Tam: *glares at everyone except Linh*

"Tam scowled then obeyed. Biana took him into her closet and then they came out three minutes later and Tam was wearing the pink clothes and Biana was giggling."

Keefe: Why did it take three minutes? *wiggles eyebrows*

Tam: *glares at Keefe*

Biana: *turns bright red*

Sophie: Eww, Keefe! *laughs*

Keefe: What? I was wondering if takes three whole minutes to put on a tutu. *pretends to realize* Perverts!

Sophie: *punches Keefe in the shoulder*

Keefe: Ow, Foster! Take off your sucker punch before you do that! *rubs shoulder*

Sophie: *looks sheepish* Oops...

"Tam scowled but blushed when Biana said he looked good in pink."

Sophie: Tam can blush?

Keefe: Nah, It's probably a disease.

"Then Tam dared Keefe to cut off his hair so Keefe cut off his hair then turned so no one could see he was crying."

Linh: Tam! That was mean!

Tam: It's a story!

Linh: Apologize!

Tam: But Linh-

Linh: Tam...

Tam: Fine... Sorry 'Story Keefe'.

Sophie: Woah, Linh!

Linh: *blushes*

Dex: *makes thumbs up towards Linh*

Linh: *blushes even more*

"Then Keefe dared Sophie to kiss him,"

Sophie: *blushes*

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