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(Mark POV)

It all the same, same walls, same world, same life, nothing ever changes until that day. "That day" I whisper silence to the wall as I turn to face the guard at the desk like always. His name tag read William Afton but I call him "Purple guy". It makes him very mad at me. "Come on Mark I want to play a little too~~Dark whisper in my head. No No! Stop shut up!" I shouted to make HIM shut up as I pulled my blood stain hair. "You can't stay in control forever,Mark. I will be in control soon just you wait!" Dark yelled in my head causing a huge headache and my body going numb. When I woke I was laying on the ground cover in blood and purple guy dismember on the floor and the glass door wide opened. "What did you do Dark?" I said in a whisper. "I help you escape I was getting tired of seeing that purple freak everyday so I took care of the problem," Dark stated proudly. Footsteps were heard throughout the dark hallways of the insane asylum. There at the end of the hallway appeared a guy with a faded neon green color hair in a dark green jacket, black jean, and black converse. Slowly the man turns to face me."It's been awhile Dark" the man said in a heavy Irish accent as he walked over to where I was in the hall. How did he know Dark? I thought as we walk down the hall to the exit. I wasn't aware of the conversation going on between Dark and the fade neon green hair guy but I could tell it wasn't good. I need to stop Dark and get back in control before someone else pays the price.

Were both insane [Jack X Mark and Dark x Anti]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum