Hell again

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A/N: Okay so I'm not writing this anymore and JUST my best friend is so I really don't know anything that happens in the story unless I read it. She is an amazing author and the only reason why I published it on here was because I at the time was the co-author but then I lose my focus for the story but I will still post it on here because her work NEEDS to be shared.

(Anti pov.)

'Where the fuck am I?' I thought while I sat up holding my head. Looking around I saw the 'Welcome to Silent Hill' and in small letter underneath it said 'Enjoy your stay'. "I hate that fucking sign now. Well I guess my question was answer I'm in fucking hell again damn I'm going to kill that bastard." I said to myself while staring at that damn sign again. "Well I better head into town before I see some familiar faces again that I don't want to see for maybe another thousand years or maybe never again," I thought as I started on my way to the center of hell I mean town.

(Time skip in town)

'Now where is tha--" "Senpai!I heard someone yelled from behind me. As I turned around I pray not to see who I thought it was but like everything in this town nothing good come my way. Standing in front of me was none other than yandere plier himself. "Shit" I thought. "Hey, it been so long since the last time I saw you," I said try to back away slowly."Yes it has senpai but this time you are not getting away from me again so easily," Yandere said in a dark tone while taking a step forward blocking the way to where I needed to go. "Well that can wait I know your in love with me an all but I need to see someo-- I mean to do something like get you something for our stalking relationship," I said as I look for someone to help me out of this situation while yandere keep on babbling about what it come be. Just as I was about to give up I saw Wilford with his pink mustache and golden gun walking to wherever he was going. "Hey Wilford" I yelled which startled him to shoot some random guy. "It was an accident I swear," Wilford said as he put more bullets in his gun. Looking at me Wilford smiles and said "Anti my boy how are you on this fine today hopeful causing mischief and what not." " yeah Wilford I have been doing a lots of that these days but Wilford do you any by chance know where googleplier is now?" I asked steping away from yandereplier and more toward Wilford. " Of course Anti or my name isn't Wilford warfstache." He said while walking toward the direction of googleplier. 'Well let the Adventure begin' I thought while following Wilford.  

Were both insane [Jack X Mark and Dark x Anti]Where stories live. Discover now