Chapter 6:Murder

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Mangle:Wow....this is more fun with Vanessa...

Vincent:Told you...

(Vincent heard a noise)

Vincent:Mangle have you heard a noise?

Mangle:What noise?

Vincent: I have to check it out...

(Vincent entered the parts and service room)

Vincent heard a voice...

The ghost:Vincent.....

Vincent:Who's there....?

The ghost:I am your friend....

Vincent:Who are you?

The ghost:I am.....THE PURPLE GUY...'re the murderer...!!!

Purple guy:I would like you to help me with my plan...

Vincent:What plan?

Purple guy:I want...TO MURDER MORE!


Purple guy:Hahahaha(evil laugh)

Purple guy possessed Vincent that night.....
After 7 years Vince grew up happy with his family,but.....

Child 1(girl): Please no!Don't kill...Ahhh!

Vincent:I want more (Purple guy actually possessed Vincent)

Child 2(boy): No I don't want to die!

Child 3 & 4(boys):Please sir!!!!!!Noooo!!!!!!

Vincent laughed and laughed....

Vince:Papa?Did you killed my friends?

Vincent:Look who showed up...Vincent's son...

Vince:Papa?Do you want to kill me?

Vincent:I wanted to kill you ever since....

Vincent stabbed Vince and laughed...

Suddenly.....Vincent dropped his knife when the clock ticks on 6:00 am

Vincent:What have I done?


Vincent:Mangle I...

Vincent:My god why is Vince bleeding?

(Mangle gasped)

Mangle:You killed Vince!

(Mangle runs away from Vincent)

Mangle:Yca!Get the others lets get out of here!

Foxy:What's happenin'?

Mangle:Foxy,Vincent killed his own son and soon he's going to destroy us!

Foxy:Mangle....protect yourselves......get Yca,Bon and Toy Freddy,leave us here we'll take care of him....

Mangle:But foxy...

Foxy:Go away now!!!!!!


(Mangle grabbed her friends)

Actually the happenings are too fast......So I decided,the next part will be a bit slow and a bit fast....

Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Where stories live. Discover now