Chapter 10:Fix the old

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Carpenters:So why do you want to fix this place again?

Mangle:Because we need a place to stay.

Yca:Yes and we also need a place to have some fun.

Springtrap:C'mon guys let's start to rebuild.

Mangle:This shouldn't take too long,the walls are still standing.

Yca:The only problem is the roof.

Bon:That's our job,fix the roof.

Carpenters:Why don't we upgrade this place?

Yca:You mean,you will add 2nd floor?


Mangle:But that will take too long like a month.

Carpenters:Don't worry,we will be done after a week.

Bon:Can we help you?

Carpenters:Of course!

So they helped the carpenters.....
After a week....

Mangle:Wow!This place was even better than it was before.....

Springtrap:This doesn't look like a pizzeria anymore it looks like a mansion.

Yca:This is our new home.

Bon:But we will still sell pizzas.


Bon:Inside the house.


Bon:Let me tour you inside.

Mangle:I'm excited.

Bon:This will be the main room.


Bon:This is the kitchen,you can bake,you can cook and you can fry.

Yca:Wow!This kitchen is amazing!

Bon:And for you Mangle,The Pirate Cove!

Mangle:Wow!It looks like a real cove!

Bon:And for me and Toy Freddy,The Stage.

Toy Freddy:This is so cool!

Springtrap:What do I get?

Bon:Sorry Springtrap,kids will be scared of you when the corpse is still inside you.

Springtrap:No,that's not what I meant,I want to see my room!

Bon:Oh!Right,the room.

Yca:I'll come with you!

Mangle:Me too!

Toy Freddy:Hey!Don't forget me!

Bon:Okay guys we only have 3 rooms.

Mangle:But there's 5 of us.

Yca:Why don't we share.

Bon:Mangle,you will share your room with Springtrap,don't worry your room has two beds.I will sleep with Toy Freddy.

Yca:What about me?

Bon:You're lucky you're going to sleep all by yourself.


Mangle:Why don't you think of Bonnie?

Bon:Think of happy thoughts with Bonnie.

Yca:Okay I'll try.


Springtrap:Yes Mangle?

Mangle:Uh,I'm a bit scared when I sleep alone,uh,can you please sleep with me?'s only for today.

Springtrap:Sure,why not.

Mangle:Please don't do something bad to me,it's my first time.

Springtrap:Don't worry you can trust me,I'll just watch you,and when you fell asleep,I'll just sleep on my bed.

Mangle:No don't leave me.

Springtrap:Well okay.....

Mangle lies on the bed,Springtrap lies on Mangle's bed and thinks about Mangle....

Springtrap thinks
What is it about Mangle?Who is she?She's sweet but I kinda....oh no!This is so......oh my god!Am I in love?

Mangle:Springtrap?Aren't you going to sleep?

Springtrap:I'm going to sleep.

Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Where stories live. Discover now