Chapter 21:Queen Ballora

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In some time...

Mangle:Chica?Have you already cooked food for dinner?!

Chica:No!Foxy cooked it!

Mangle:Oh...Prepare those food!We're going to bring it to the palace!


Foxy:So,we will bring all this juicy meat to the palace...urgh...I hate sharing....

Chica looks at Foxy confused...



Mangle:Here's your shirt Springtrap...wear it later...


The pane of glass is ringing...

Mangle:Oh,the Queen is calling again....

Mangle grabs the glass...

Mangle:Good evening your majesty...

Ballora:It's already 7:00 am Mangle...are you ready there?

Mangle:Yes ma'am and were going to teleport when the others are done..


Ballora ends the call...

Mangle sighed...

Mangle:Wear the shirt now Springtrap....


Foxy:Mangle!We're done!

Toy Freddy and Bon:Where are we going?!

Mangle:To the palace!

Bon:We're already done dressing up Mangle!

Mangle:Uh,okay!Come on Springtrap...

Mangle grabs a chalk and draws a big pentagram with leaves around it...

Mangle:Let's go...

Everyone goes inside the pentagram

The pentagram glows...

They the palace

Ballora:I've been expecting you Mangle....come on...take your seats...

Mangle sits on a chair....

Chica:Uhm,your majesty...Uh...we cooked dinner...

Foxy shows the food...

Ballora:Oh,another meat again,how delicious...Baby?Why don't you join us for dinner?

Baby:Okay mom...

Fred?!Come in here!We're having dinner!Roxy!Come on!

Ennard:Your majesty,Fred and Roxy refused to have dinner...

Ballora:What is the reason?

Ennard:They said they're already full...

Ballora:Let me speak to them...

Ballora stands up and walks towards a room....

Ballora opens the door...

Ballora:Fred,Roxy,come on...

Roxy:But mom...

Fred:We're too tired...

Ballora:Come on,we have to show our respect to your babysitters...

Roxy:Mom,we already told you,we don't need babysitters...we can handle ourselves...

Ballora:But Baby can't handle herself...

Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Where stories live. Discover now