Chapter 25:Stalker

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(Fred:I'm going to stalk her...Hehehe...)

Roxy POV

You guys can say my brother,Fred,that he's crazy,he's crazy when he's in love,sometimes I judge him,if he wasn't my brother,I like him,because of his face,but his behavior,I don't know,you will be really shocked...

Roxy:Hey Fred,I think you're wrong,stalking Mangle is not right.

Fred:I'm the uh...2nd eldest...uh...

Roxy:I'm the eldest here in the family,I know what's right for you and for baby,you must not stalk Mangle.


Roxy POV

YUP,he's crazy in love...

Fred stalks Mangle

Mangle:Springtrap...I'm sorry about Fred...

Springtrap:No it's okay,you don't have to apologize..

Mangle:Springtrap please...

Springtrap:I'm just....

Mangle:Springtrap,please forgive me...and Fred...

Fred just came out of nowhere...

Fred:Ya' know Springtrap,Bro,Forgive me...for bein' too cool to ya'...

Springtrap:It's okay Fred...

Mangle:Thank you for forgiving him Springtrap...


Mangle:Uh...I think I must go...

Fred:Bye Mangle....

Mangle walks out...

Mangle POV

I felt really bad about Springtrap...specially when Fred know when he did that not cool thing...

Fred:You know bro...hehehe...Mangle will be mine....hehehe

Springtrap:What are you talking about?

Fred:Since you're not cool,Mangle will not love you...I'm cool,and cool boys,that's what girls want,so,Mangle will love me more than you...Hehehe...bye!Lover boy...hehehe..


Springtrap POV

So,I don't really understand Fred,I don't understand his unusual behavior...What he said made me crazy,I keep thinking about it....

Roxy POV

Okay,guys,I saw Fred while stalking Mangle and popped out in front of them,I better warn him,I hate his behavior,It makes you feel like URGHH!!!

Springtrap:What?Lover boy?

Roxy:Hi,dad,I mean


Roxy:I'm really sorry about Fred,he's just,he's crazy when he's inlove...

Springtrap:Crazy?In love?

Roxy:Yeah,he's crazy,his behavior....naaahhh...I don't know what to do about'll be shocked,in his real behavior....

Springtrap:Real behavior?

Roxy:Yeah,oh,uh,I better finish my chores,bye dad!!!

Roxy walks out...

Springtrap thinks
I don't understand,these...

Springtrap walks out of the room and tried to find Mangle....

Springtrap hears Mangle talking...

Mangle:Uh!!!How should I say this Springtrap!


Mangle:That's right,I don't wanna be his Friend...

Springtrap then saw a room goes near the door to listen to Mangle....

Mangle:Springtrap?I told you!I don't want to be his Friend!He's scary......he's a monster....

Springtrap gasped...

Springtrap cries and runs away...

Mangle:I don't want to be Springtrap's friend,I want to be his wife....

Elena(the fairy):Why?!

Mangle:Because I love him!!!I want to take care of him!!!I don't want someone or anyone to think that Springtrap is monster!!He's a loyal,kind and a caring person....

Elena:Well,at least you know that he won't hurt you...

Mangle:I know that he won't hurt me....Now will you excuse me,I have to be somewhere else now...

Mangle walks out of the room...

Sorry for the short updates
I'll be thinking a lot for the next parts...

Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora