Chapter 41:Dragon vs.Mangle

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Mangle:Wait Foxy....


Mangle:What's this?

Foxy:It's the training grounds...

Mangle:Wait...I need to

Foxy:No....the dummy dragon!

Mangle:How am I supposed to kill that?

Foxy:Look...when A dragon is going to encounter sure to hit it the chest with your sword....


Foxy:Now...pretend...the dragon is alive...

Mangle:...the dragon is alive....

*I have no idea about this scene so I just.....put my craziness and watch a lot of attack on titan scenes*

Mangle runs to the dummy dragon...

She hopped and sliced the chest...

She landed

Mangle:Is that okay...?

Foxy:Great...i think you shouldn't need training...let's just go directly to the portal...

Mangle:Let's go...

In the tower...

Roxy:Becareful Mangle!

Mangle:I will!

Mangle entered the portal...

Mangle breathed hard...'s too dark....

Unknown voice:I have been expecting you...brave knight...

Mangle:Who's there?!

U/V:It's me...the dragon...

Mangle:Come out!Show yourself!

The lights suddenly appeared...


U/V:Right here....


Dragon:Are you looking for the dragon's breath?

Mangle:Give it to me,and no one will be harmed....

(Dragon's evil laugh)

Dragon:You think I'll give it to you that easily?

Mangle:Give it to me...

Dragon:Let's have a deal.....I will give you the can kill me...but if you can't,....I'll kill you instead...

Mangle:Let me give you a deal too...

Dragon:What is it....?Hehehe...

Mangle:If you'll kill have to heal my lover....without using the antidote...

Dragon:Alright...i accept it...

Mangle:Let's begin....killing each other....

Dragon:With pleasure...

*Please imagine*

Mangle Grabbed both of her swords...

Mangle kneels down...

She looked at the dragon...

Mangle and the Dragon looked eye to eye....

Mangle's eyes suddenly glows red....


Mangle:Shut up dragon...

Mangle runs....
She flies towards the dragon's chest....

The dragon notices....

....and raised her hand and slapped Mangle away....


Dragon:Not so fast...

Mangle:*breathes harder*

Mangle's eyes suddenly glows red...*very glow*

The dragon widen her eyes...

Then Mangle flies towards the dragon's eyes...

She sliced the dragon's eyes....

Then rested a while in the corner....

Suddenly...she saw a shiny container....

....which is the dragon's breath....

Mangle:The antidote...


Mangle:I must get the antidote before the dragon's eyes heal...

Mangle runs to the antidote...

....and grabbed it...

Mangle tried to run away....


....her arm was suddenly bleeding...


(The dragon turns into a human) really think by blinding me you could get the antidote and escape?Ha!How foolish...

Mangle grabbed her sword and hits the dragon's sword...

The dragon's sword was thrown away...

The dragon's eyes widen...

Mangle:Time to die...

Dragon:P-please...just leave me here....I have nothing to protect now....don't kill me...


Mangle turns around....

The dragons stabbed Mangle from the back...


Dragon:You are immature....


Mangle suddenly turns around and sliced the dragon's chest.....

The dragon turned into a crystal..

Mangle picked it up...

Mangle slowly goes to the portal..

In the tower...

Foxy:I'm worried about Mangle...

Roxy:Me too...

*Portal sound*

Roxy:Mangle I...!

Foxy holds Mangle tightly

Foxy:Mangle!You promised me you'll return home safely...YOU PROMISED ME!

Mangle:Ehehehe....looks like....i broke.....y-your...promise...i think...I'll....go to....hell....

Mangle closes her eyes....

Roxy:Look!The bleeding is very fast...we must take her to her room...I'll try to revive her life... my sister's life

Mangle was smiling....


Springtrap's room

12:00 Am

Springtrap's body started to fade

Roxy:I hope your disease and your life will be healed...

Roxy opens Springtrap's mouth and puts the antidote...

Springtrap's body revived....

He opens his eyes....

Roxy: *gasp*! I? Where's Mangle...?

Roxy and Foxy was confused...



Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Where stories live. Discover now