chapter 16

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chapter 16

Shock-so much shock

Ok. i really hope that when Damien comes back, he'll bring me some clothes. I can't exactly hold up this towel anymore, so...yeah. I looked over at matt. he looked like he was in so much pain...and little did he know that the pain was just getting started. oh god, this is all my fault! i realized.

"Matt, i am so, so sorry! This is all my fault!" i told him.

No, its not your fault that you were kidnapped, tortured, taken away from everyone you loved, and if it weren't for me he woukdn't have found your phone." he said.

"That isn't true. Damien would have found it sooner or later, i just wish it had been after i put on chlothes..." Matt giggled a tiny bit. I smiled.

"Look, i think i sould tell you something." he looked really nervous.

"What is it?"

"Well, you know how your dad thinks you mom has been cheating on him?"

"Yeah, but she isn't."

"Well...she uh, was."

"How would you know that? Did Damien say it just because he is insane?" i was totally interested in this, but i didn't want Matt to know it.

"Because...I was the one who your mom was cheating on him with." He looked totally ashamed.

"What?!" ok, this just went from psycho ville to insaneness crazy town.

"Yeah, thats why i was in the U.S. i was with your mom." he was looking at the ground.

"Wow." that was all i could think of to say.

"But that's not everything."

"It's not?" i was so confused at the moment.

"No. you see, i have been kind of with your mom since bwfore you were born, Damien just finally caught on."

"What?!" ok. now we are further than insaneness crazy town.

"In fact, you aren't even Damien's real daughter, your actually...mine." oddly enough, that made me feel better than i was, a least i know that my real dad wasn't insane.

"wow. this is uh, something." i couldn't think of anything better to say, "Ok, i honestly am glad you are my dad, at least i know my real dad isn't insane."

"If you weren't actually related to me, i wouldn't be doing that party for you. we have 17 years to catch up on."

"Yeah, so much for that party." just then i heard the sound of a door. crap. Damien's coming. I heard footsteps then the rattling of keys, then the door opened and light streamed in. he threw me some underwear, a bra and some shorts...ok no shirt? this is really, really getting scary.

"Put it on." he siad bluntly.

"Yeah, like i can do that with my hand stuck behind my back." i said in a 'duh' voice. he rolled his eyes and came over and unlocked the chains. i quickly slipped on what he gave to me as clothes. Im pretty sure Damien is getting creepier by the minute!

"So, i went to an antigue store, where i found this," he pulled out a leather rope type thing that was wrapped up in a neat circle, "And you know, i think I'm going to use this. but not right now." he dropped it on the floor, "I will use it later, but as for your punishment, say goodbye to Matt!" he pulled his gun back out.

"NO! DON'T HURT MY DAD!" I yelled. Dammit!!!

"" he asked.

"You know, like my godfather?" i said nervously.

"Just go ahead and tell him Nova, He is obviously going to kill me either way." Matt said, tears swelled in his eyes, i began bawling.

"Damien, he is my real dad, not you. ok, mom was cheating on you with him, since before i was born." i burried my face in my hands, knowing what was going to happen next.

"Well, at least you got to meet your real father before i kill him." he pulled the hammer on the gun, Matt braced himself, "Actually, YOU are going to kill him." he smirked evily.

"What? no." i said.

"Yup." he said happily.

"You are INSANE!!" i yelled

"I think we have already established that." he said, smiling. he yanked me from when i was and put the gun in my hand. i began sobbing uncontrollably. i wish i could turn around and shoot Damien, but we all know that's not going to happen, considering he hand a firm grasp on me. he held my arms up, aiming at Matts chest i cried even harder.

"Please don't make me do this, please!!" i yelled through my sobs. he pulled the hammer on the front and guided my hand to the trigger. Matt looked ready to die, he wasn't cowering or anything at this point.

"I love you nova, and you won't be with this psychopath forever, trust me." he winked and Damien pushed on my finger, pulling the trigger. i heard the gun shot as i closed my eyes, not wanting to see what lay before me. Damien was laughing and i opened my eyes for a second and saw Matts limp body on the ground, blood soaking his shirt. i wanted to die at this point. Damien made me KILL my own dad. this was the worst day ever.


Hi! hope you liked. you didn't see matt dying did you? NOPE! idea courtosy of myheaded1998. lol. if i let Matt live then it wouldn't be as exciting, haha. this book its coming to an end soon, i think there will be two more chapters then the epilogue.D: but then i will get working on a sequel :D





Luv ya all!

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