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one year and a month later

"you may now kiss the bride." the sermon said,

David gently took the back of my neck and pulled me close, kissing me gently and passionately. everyone cheered and clapped and I heard crying as well. David pulled away and stared at me in awe. he looked at my gown then at my neck, there was a thin but long scar across it, and I honestly was ashamed of it, a horrible memory of my terrible experience. he took my small hand in his and led me down the isle of the chapel, people threw white rose petals at us. we got into a limo and drove to our new house, David just bought it and I hadn't seen it yet, I couldn't wait!

he approached a two story house with brownish colored bricks, with an arch lining the front door, trees in the front yard and a stone pathway to the front door. it was beautiful.

"How were you even able to afford this?" I asked him.

"Wedding gift from my mom and dad..." he trailed off. I hated the word dad right now, and David knew if, but it wasn't his fault I was forced to murder my birth dad and that dad who I thought was my birth dad was a psychopath.

"Oh, how nice!" I said, my voice cracking.

"I am so sorry Nova, but hey, you have a new dad, my own, he is now your dad in law, you don't have to hate that word anymore" he cooed.

"I know, its just associated with just horrible memories." I said, looking at the floor and touching the scar on my neck. David gave me a sympathetic look.

"Look, you shouldn't be ashamed of that scar, it shows that you are a fighter, you are strong, and that you don't take shit from anybody!" I giggled at that last part, "ohp! did I just hear a giggle?" he asked. I nodded and he got out of the limo and carried me bridal style(of course, 'cause I'm a bride(:) into the house. it was already furnished and was absolutely gorgeous! he set me down on a chocolate brown couch and went upstairs.

"HEY!" I yelled, I crossed my arms and tried to make a mad face, but it was hard.

"I'm just getting something!" he said from the upstairs balcony, holding his hands up in surrender, I laughed. I laided down on the couch, and closed my eyes. in a minute I felt small boxes falling on my and my eyes jerked open, I looked down at me chest where the boxes where and saw different boxes of candy, some of which I had never heard of, kit kats, hersheys, gummy bears, crunch bars, raisinettes,  then the Asian(I'm guessing) candies were called kinder joy, which according to David were hollow chocolate egg with a toy in a plastic capsule, some Pockys which looked like chocolate covered pretzel sticks, and one that really stood out to me: Happy Pandas, they looked like shortbread cookies with a chocolate in the middle, yum!

"So what's with all the candy, more importantly, whats with all the foreign candy?" I asked David.

"For our Honeymoon, we are going to asia!" he exclaimed.

"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" I yelled and stood up, all the boxes falling off me.

"ITS ALREADY SHUT!" he joked. I felt on the couch in laughter, then I opened the the kinder egg, it had a toy dinosaur in the capsule.

"Here, you came have this." I threw the toy at him and ate the egg, it was really creamy and amazing, I was so excited to go to asia, maybe we will see some pandas!!!!!


THE END! sequel coming soon! probably tomorrow!!! yay!!!!! so on the side is her wedding gown! I need a better title for my new book, so far I'm calling it Asian honeymoon, but of course it will have kidnapping in it so I think it needs a better title. so...HELP ME!!! whoever gives me the best title will get a dedication and a shout out in mt status and in a message to all my followers! yay!!! thanks y'all!!! get ready for book two 'cuz its comin soon!

P.s. I do not own ANY of these pictures, they are all courtesy of Bing images. thanks BING! I also use google sometimes but this book I was to lazy to type google.com so I juse used the default search engine. lol, I have no clue why I'm telling you all this! probably cuz I'm so excited for Pandas in the next book, if you couldn't tell by my profile image, I REALLY like them! I want to hug one! lol.




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LOOK OUT FOR BOOK TWO! I will put up one more update here when its up!

luv you all!


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