chapter 18

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chapter 18

back in the U.S.

Cami POV

Oh my god!!! Nova might die and I know she said we would see her soon, but not like this!!! man whoever her kidnapper was, he was insane!!!!

"Anything new on the patient Nova?" I asked the doctor who was supposed to be watching her, instead he was eating a Jello cup in the waiting room.

"Same as 37 seconds ago when you asked." he said, irritatedly

"How would you know though, you haven't been in her room for exactly 3 minutes and 53 seconds!" you never want to mess with me, especially when my BFF's life is on the line.

"Look, I am hungry. If you really want to see how your friend is doing, then go to her room." he said.

"Ok, what room?" I asked.

"342, now go."

"Ok!" I began walking out, then realized something, "Wait, room 342? that's the room she was staying at in the hotel where she was kidnapped!! this is not happening!!"

"Look, its just a coincidence. She is fine!" he was definitely irritated.

"O-ok." I said, I was worried about it, I don't really think it was a coincidence. I walked to the elevator then to her room, she was laying in a hospital bed hooked to a bunch of machines and needles were in both of her arms, looked painful! she had stitches across her neck where her kidnapper slit her throat, oh god I hope she wasn't dead!! I heard the slow beeping of the heart monitor, ok good, she wasn't dead, at least not yet? I don't know. I got my computer out of my backpack, (I was dismissed from school early so I could come see Nova) and looked up how fast a person would die if their throat was slit. the first thing that came up was Cha Cha, it said if done properly, a person could die in a second or two, ok so she isn't going to die, right?

a nurse came in with David, and he sat down. the nurse looked at us happily.

"Good news! the girl's kidnapper didn't cut her throat that deep, so it didn't cut either of the carotid arteries, or puncture and veins! she is going to live! because of the stitches and everything, she won't be able to talk for a few weeks to a month, but once it heals she will be good as new! well, you know, besides the scar and the memory...but still! she is going to live and be ok."

"really?!" I said.

"Mhm. we project she will regain consciousness in just a couple of hours so you can eat if you wish." she said, then she left. I got a phone call from Nova's mom, Amy.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Cami, I feel so bad I am not there right now, traffic is horrible! oh god my poor Nova! she is going to die or she already is dead and it's all my fault!" she began sobbing.

"No, no, no, no, she is going to live! the nurse said that the cut didn't puncture any veins or cut either of the carterie arteries!" I said.

"Carterie? do you mean carotid?" she said.

"Whatever! all that matters is that she I going to be ok!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, well if she wakes up before I get there, tell her I love her and that I will be there soon."

"ok, I will." david cut it,

"Can I talk to her? its important." he said.

"uh, sure." I handed him the phone and he stepped into the hallway for a few minutes. her birthday was tomorrow and how was she going to spend it? in a hospital bed with stitches on her neck not eating cake or even be able to talk! David came back in, phone in hand smiling ear to ear.

"What is it?" I asked as he gave me my phone back.

"You will see." he said simply. I turned on the news to see Nova's story, maybe we could see who her kidnapper was! they talked about how she went missing about a week ago, how she was taken to England, then they talked about a guy named matt who was shot in the chest and died almost instantly, the gun had Nova's finger prints as well as her father's. wait her dad's?! ok this is crazy.

"we have been told that Damien Clarise, Nova's father, was the one who kidnapped his own daughter and nearly killed her. it is believed he made her kill this man, Matthew. she is now in a hospital in critical condition." the lady reporting said.

ok, so nova's dad kidnapped her? ok this is weird.

"Damien Clarise, the kidnapped, is now in the Supermax prison in Fremont county, Colorado, the highest security prison for male inmates in the United states. And now, for the weather with Matt Meister." she said. I looked up where we were in relation to where the prison was, two and a half hours away, ok good. I am really worried about Nova now.

____________________Three Hours Later_________________________________

David POV

I heard slight moaning sounds coming from Nova, is she waking up? I walked closer to her and held her small hand in mine and I saw her eyes flutter open I think she tried to say David but it was crackly and she yelped in pain.

"Shh, sh, sh, don't speak baby." I cooed. she smiled and slowly nodded. "Happy birthday!" I whispered, and Cami came over. Nova looked at her and smiled.

"So I have been talking to your mom, and knowing tomorrow is your 18th birthday, I have a surprise for you." I continued. I took a small square book lined with velvet and got down on one knee, I opened the box slowly and Kelly looked at it in awe.

"I know you are young, but so am I, so, will you marry me?" I asked, her mom gave me her blessing and obviously I don't need her dad's so. she smiled hugely, and nodded her head rapidly. I got up and kissed her passionately and put the ring on her finger, "I love you!" I said, Cami started crying and Nova hugged me tight, then turned around and hugged Cami. Just then a nurse came in.

"Whats going on?" she asked.

"Well, she's awake obviously, and we are engaged!" I said.

"OOOOOOHHHHH! CONGRATULATIONS! Let me see the ring." she said, nova held out her hand and the nurse examined the ring on her finger.

"oh its gorgeous!!" she exclaimed. Nova nodded in agreement.


Heyy!! hope you enjoyed! up next is the epilogue then I will get working on the sequel!!! woot woot!!! so after all the votes it was:

Nova live: 4

Nova die: 1

so shes alive, and engaged!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps. on the side is Nova' engagement ring, isn't it beautiful!!!





Luv ya all!

-Hallie:) my DadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin