chapter 18: the twins are coming

376 11 18

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not shout I'm telling you why, kagamine twins are coming to town.

Lemme stop 😂.

Lens p.o.v

We had just landed in Cali and Rin was just snoozing on her seat in the plane.

"Rin wake up were here!" I started to shake her so she can wake up.

"Huh!? Already!? Gee whiz!"
Rin said as she was half awake.

I grabbed my luggage and rins too.

We made our way out of the airport and took a taxi to Oliver's house.

(In the car ride)

"Do you think oliver would still like me?"

It was silent in the car and I broke the silence with an awkward question.

"Of course he will Lenny, didn't you see his expression when he wanted to hug you that day at I heart radio concert?"

"Yeah, hehe, im a bad person, I pushed him away, I can tell he wasn't having a good time, the look on his face told me... whenever he was with us he was super happy and smiling with joy."

"I'm sure he would be super happy with you len" rin turned around from the window and gave me a bright smile.

"Thanks Rin" I hugged her tightly.

"Thanks for always being a great supporting sister"

"Awe len!"

"We're here" the taxi driver interrupted our moment.

I gave him the money and me and Rin made our way out of the car and out to the house.

I stood outside the door. Waiting, I was hesitant.

"Go ahead len, knock!" Rin said as she was behind me.

I knocked softly, and then a second time louder.

An old crusty man opened the door with a crooked smile.

"I knew you were gonna come back oli-..... oh.... it's you!" The man said, he must be olivers uncle.

"Uh, I'm guessing olivers not here...."

"You stupid boy! You ruined my career! I was gonna be rich if it weren't for you!" The man swings for a punch but I doged and me and Rin started running.

He didn't bother to chase after us, so we ran around a corner instead and called an uber.

"Where are we going now? Olivers not here." Rin said with a sad expression

"Fukase house, he must be there."

"What is he isn't?"

"We'll still look for him."

The uber pulled up and we hopped into the car.

Fukases house wasn't far from olivers house, it was a couple streets away, but we decided to take an uber since we were very tired.

Finally, we reached to fukases house and I stood in front of the door once again, very nervous this time.

With one loud knock, I heard someone open the door.


It was fukase

Len X Oliver (Banana Bird Fanfiction) No Strings Attached Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant