chapter 10: replaced by a red head

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Lens p.o.v


It was Saturday morning, I felt the warmth of the sunshine hit on my face, I woke up smiling looking at the wall.

It's been a week since Oliver has forgives me, and I feel like we've gotten closer since that.

Or so I thought.

I quickly put on some clothes to wear and ran down the hallway to brush my teeth.

I smiled at the mirror thinking of what to do with oliver today.

Should we watch a movie


OOOOH how about write a song together!

All these thoughts started to flush my brain as I was brushing my teeth.

I finished up and quickly went down the hallway.

I was going to run down the stairs but then I saw someone.

I saw someone is Ollie's hands.

And it wasn't me .

Someone who I don't even know.

I don't like it.

I see a red head hugging my oliver.

I walked down the stairs and the red head glared at me, giving a smirk.

Ollie let go of the red head and smiled at me.

"Good morning len!" Oliver said cheerfully.

"Good morning " I said back as I smiled slightly.....

"Who's this...?"

"Ahh! Sorry I didn't get to introduce, this is fukase, an old friend from Cali, we did a lot of songs together."

I turned over to the red head who has a big fake smile on his face.

Hes just pretending to he happy to steal my Ollie away.

"I'm fukase"

He held his hand out.

I took my hand out shaking his hand; tightening the grip.

He quickly let go and gave me an evil glare when oliver didn't look.

"Hey len can he stay for dinner!?"

I looked at oliver and then I looked at him.

"Absolutely no-" I was interrupted by rin running into the room and yelling "OFCOURSE"

I glared at rin and she just smiled teasingly .

Damn you sister. I said in my head becuase if I said it out loud she would've killed me.

"Perfect "

"Anyways oliver, I was thinking if we could hang out to-"

"I already have this whole day planned since fukase is here, I'm sorry Lenny"

... is he.... REPLACING ME!

He hugged me to not hurt my feeling but I was kind of hurt already .

"Well I'll get going, see you at dinner."

Oliver and fukase started to leave for the front door.

As they were leaving fukase had is hand over olivers shoulder and smirked at me.


Rin held me back, I calmed down and looked at her.

"I get that you like oliver, but you got to let him have fun with friends too."

Len X Oliver (Banana Bird Fanfiction) No Strings Attached Where stories live. Discover now