Chapter five

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I awoke to Harry yelling at someone. "You're pathetic! I gave you a simple job and you failed!"

I gulped.

"You're fired! Don't ever show your face here again!" He shouted.

I heard a door slam.

I'm assuming it was the door to the place I was being held.

Harry let out a scream of frustration.

I gulped.

I'm going to probably get punished worse now because of his mood today.

I sighed, and closed my eyes.


Harry barged into the room, "wake up! I'm annoyed, and I want something to torture! I need to let out my frustration!"

My eye lids shot open, and I turned my head to look at Harry, "p-please don't hurt me. I-I've been beaten and cut, all by you, and I-I'm sore."

"I don't care."

"Y-you should care."

"Well . . . I don't."

"P-please 'arry don't do this! I didn't do anything to you!" I cried.

All he did was chuckle and slam the bedroom shut, he walked over to me, "you think that I care if you did anything to me or not? Well, news flash, I don't care."

Tears began to form at the brim of my eyes, "please . . . Don't, don't hurt me."

He smirked, and caressed my chin.

"Please 'arry don't!" I sobbed,

He laughed, and harshly gripped my chin, causing me to let out a yelp.

"Maybe I should bite that pretty little lip of yours," he ran a thumb along my bottom lip, I shivered at his touch, "or maybe I should just put a ball gag in your mouth instead."

I gulped.

"I like the second idea better, for now . . ." He said, darkly, then dropped his hand from my face.

"Why? Why do you want to torture someone who's never done anything to you, let alone even know you? I've done nothing to you, all I did was go to a bar to have a good time and instead I get held captive by a crazy and sick, bastard" I spat.

His eyes turned dark, and he pulled the drawer to the nightstand open. He grabbed something from inside, and closed the drawer again.

"Time to shut you up," he lifted his hand, and in his hand he held a ball gag.

"No, no, no! Please! I'm sorry! Don't do this!" I cried, the tears came spilling out.

He ignored me and shoved it on me.

"Don't do this, plea-" I got cut off as the ball from the gag got shoved into my mouth, I let out a muffled cry.

He clipped the gag snap closed, and smiled at me.

I cried hard, but only muffled sounds came out.

"That's much better," he caressed my wet cheek, "you're so quiet, now."

I squirmed around like a fish, trying to break free, wanting to get away from him.

He smirked, "I'll see you later, my tortured princess," he laughed then left the room, slamming the door shut, again, behind him.

Tortured Princess - (Larry Stylinson) -Discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now