Harry's Point Of View

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After I left Louis, I headed outside, I needed to find someone new who I could hold captive, along with that sassy boy. I needed someone who would shut up when I needed them to do so, which that boy I have now clearly couldn't do.

I sighed.

I got into my black Range Rover, I turned it on and put my seatbelt on, I put my Rover into drive and drove off, heading to wherever my tires bring me.


I parked my vehicle, turned it off, I stepped out and slammed the door shut. I locked it, stuffed my keys into the pocket of my jeans, and headed into a local bar.

Time to find my next captive.

I walked through the door, and scoped out the place, my eyes instantly fell upon a gorgeous beauty.

He has blackish-brown hair, and pale skin.


He stared at me as I walked up to him, "hey, love, what's your name?" I stared into his brown eyes.

"I-I'm Raven . . ." he replied, his soft and shy voice barely above a whispering tone, "w-what's your name?"

"I'm Harry. May I sit here?"

He shyly nodded his head, and looked down at his sweater covered hands that were rested down on the table.

I smiled, taking a seat down on the bench that was across from him, "have you lived around here for quite some time, or have you recently just moved here? I haven't seen you around here before, and a pretty boy like you I would have noticed, so I'm just curious to know."

"I-I just moved h-here" he said, shyly, and blushed.

"Figured, because I definitely would have noticed a boy as gorgeous as you. How old are you, love?"

"I'm . . . eighteen. My birthday just passed about a m-month ago," he bit his bottom lip and looked up at me through his eyelashes.

"Lovely," I smiled, "how about I order you something to drink, perhaps?"

He blushed and nodded his head.

"Great," I grinned.

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