Annabeth (II)

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     Annabeth was kind of starting to lose interest in "Percabeth". She still likes Percy, but she feels as if their relationship is starting to drift apart. She felt like something was missing, but she didn't know what. She wants to break up with him, but she just can't. She didn't want to end it after all they've been through. He's saved her life several times and vise versa. She can't just bring him down like that. She can't.

     Tonight is the big dance. The celebration at Camp Half-Blood for defeating Gaea and saving both camps and the world (again). Annabeth wasn't sure of what to wear. She didn't own anything "formal". All she wore were just simple tees and shorts. Maybe Piper had something for her. Her and Pipes were about the same size, so that may work.

     Annabeth walked over to Cabin 10 and knocked on the door. At first, there was no answer. She banged louder on the door and Piper answered the door.

     "Oh hey Annie!" She greeted.

     "Hi, I was just wondering if I could borrow a dress for tonight." Annabeth said.

     "Oh sure." She pulled her in.

     Inside, it was a life size Barbie doll house. The walls were painted pink, the curtains were a baby blue, that matched with their pillows, and the place smelled like someone spilled several bottles of designer perfume all over the floor. Aphrodite's children rushed around, deciding what to wear, fighting over mirrors, applying their makeup, and sharing the bathrooms. Piper walked over to her neatly made bunk and opened the chest that rested at the end of her bed. The wooden box transformed into a full-size wardrobe when she opened the lid.

     "Leo made it for me." She explained.

     "Impressive" Annabeth nodded.

     "So what kind of dress are you looking for? A gown?" She asked.

     "Um, do you have one that's knee-length, and its an aqua-ish color?"

     "Do I?" Piper mocked. She typed in "dresses" into the little keypad on the door and opened her closet. A rainbow of beautiful dresses appeared, and she rummaged through the green-into-blue section. She pulled out this light aqua, strapless dress that was just above the knees. The top of it was luminous with sequins that faded out to the bottom. "Is this okay?"

     "Gods, Pipes, this is perfect!" Annabeth smiled.

     "Well, try it on!" She said.

     A few minutes later, Annabeth has gotten the dress on (with some help from Piper) and put on black pumps that weren't too high, suggested by one of Piper's sisters.

     "Not too bad. Not bad at all!" Piper applauded. "You could be mistaken for one of Aphrodite's daughters."

     Annabeth's face turned red. "Thanks" She smiled.

     Piper looked over at the clock. "Ah! Gotta get ready." She exclaimed.

     "But its only 4." Annabeth puzzled.

     "Exactly." She closed her wardrobe chest thingy 3000.

     "Thanks Pipes!" Annabeth said as she left. Piper yelled something back, but it was muffled from the commotion going on inside.



     Annabeth walked into her cabin, as a few of her siblings sat on their bunks, either reading a book, or playing the next biggest video game on their tablets.

It'll never happen (a Pernico/Percico fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now