Cassian Andor x Reader ~ Home

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"Take this and head to the ship!" You shouted as the first blast from the sniper chasing you hit the sand beneath your feet. You sprinted to catch up to Cassian's side, dodging more shots as you did so. Cassian turned and shot back in the direction of the fire as you passed him the object. "Head to the ship and get in the air, I'll hold them off." You barely got out as you dodged another shot that narrowly grazed your shoulder. You both were standing with your backs to a wall, looking across the narrow corridor at each other as you fired back in the direction you just sprinted from. Cassian gave you a look, you knew that look and you glared in annoyance back. "I'll meet you there, just get'er up and running!" You shouted trying to keep your panic from showing in your voice. After a moment of hesitation he gave you a slight nod and you jumped out into the corridor to cover him as he took off towards the ship, you tossed a grenade towards the sniper's fire and hoped for the best.

This was not how the mission was supposed to go. This was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance mission like you both always completed but then all hell broke loose. You and Cassian were sent to collect information on the Jedi, for some reason the rebel forces wanted the intel. Yet somehow the Empire had been tipped off and now you both were being chased after with the important holocron in hand. This desert planet's complex built out of stone and sand was open air, which only made it easier for someone to have spied on you from above. Internally you chastised yourself for being so stupid in maneuvering through the area without full coverage of the skies.

You pulled out your staff as you stood against the wall and waited for the dust to clear. If Cassian got to the ship then he would be waiting at the roof of the complex, you needed to somehow get up there to meet him. After quickly glancing over your surroundings you noticed some crates stockpiled and in a split second you were up on the wall running across towards the main dome of the complex. You looked back and spotted your assailant, adrenaline and fear coursed through your veins as you recognized the armor as one of the 'verses best.

You spotted the ship beginning to hover over the dome and began to run even faster, there was no chance in surviving a hand to hand combat fight with this man even if you were the best assassin in the rebel forces. A bomb went off and the wall you were running on crumbled beneath your feat, you jumped forward through the dust of the blast and barely grabbed onto the edge of the dome. You quickly pulled yourself up and rolled to the side as a blaster's shot hit the roofing beside your head. You turned to see Boba Fett quickly approaching and you knew you would have to fight him, it was too late and you had missed your opportunity to make it to the ship. You looked to see Cassian holding on to a strap in the hull of the ship and holding out a hand in your direction. "Come on!" He screamed over the roar of the engines. You quickly shook your head and ran so that you were between the bounty hunter and the ship, as you did so you held off Boba momentarily by tossing a grenade his way. You heard Casssian's voice again, "(Y/n) I'm not leavi-"

"Just go!" You shouted back as you felt a sharp and excruciating pain in your abdomen. Before Cassian could finish his reply K-2 was closing the ships deck and the ship was speeding off. You were just relieved that Boba hadn't blasted the ship out of the sky. You gritted your teeth at the pain and looked to the man who was now just standing there, no longer shooting at you. "Well get on with it Fett!" You shouted in fury as you shot at him, accepting your fate. You knew you were going to die but you wouldn't go down without a fight. He shot the blaster from your hand and then approached you quickly. You lunged at him with your staff and swung at his head, you managed to hit his chin and knock his helmet to the side. He quickly shoved your staff and you spun on your feet to hit at his side. He blocked it and held on to it, blood was rushing from where he had shot you. For a moment you tried to regain the weapon and stared into his dark eyes with anger. He shoved the staff again and you lost your grip, it flew to the other side of the roof and rolled off the edge. You let out an angry grunt as you lunged at him once more, now with your fists. You manage to land a few hits before feeling his first hit in your gut. The same place he had shot you, causing you to double over and back up for a moment. Still, you continued to land a few good punches and kicks but he was also doing so. You were sure you were bleeding in multiple places and possibly even something in your left wrist had fractured from meeting armor instead of flesh. But you didn't stop, you could bare the pain if you could at least get your hands on the hunter even if only for a few minutes before he would end your life. You both continued to fight, it was evident that you were beginning to loose balance from a hit to the head and the blood loss, he now had the upper hand. He kicked you onto your back and grabbed your throat to choke you. This was it, but at least you had done your duty to the rebellion. You spat in his face and between gasps for breath muttered, "Mandalorian scum." You felt a sharp pain in your neck and felt a rush of fire through your veins. He let go of your throat and you began to see black edges begin to encase your vision. He grabbed your collar and drug you across the roof, you could now feel the sharp pains from the injuries he had dealt fairly clearly. However the fire that now was burning though your nerves was much more intense and causing you to writhe. You heard an engine as the blackness began to take over and your body hit a bump as you now slid across a cooler and smoother surface. Once he released your shirt from his grip,  Boba Fett noticed your movement and grunts of excruciating pain and took his boot to your head in one swift movement.

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