Teen!lock x Reader ~ Russian

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*Vulgarity warning*

(f/n) (l/n) = first name,  last name



"Smart ass! SHUT UP WHEN WE TELL YOU TOO!” You heard a loud bang that sounded like something being thrown against the lockers from where you sat immersed in your book in the corner of the hallway besides a trashcan. You heard wheezing and realized what had just happened. Should you tell a teacher?! Should you get someone?! You panicked but heard more shouts and vulgarity which then made you decide there wasn’t time for those options. Anyhow the teachers would never help, and no one would ever listen to you, you ran around the corner to find out what was happening. Plus it was six in the evening and no one was even around anymore, except for you and whomever else was in the hallway nearby.

            “You think you know everything don’t you!” The leader of the offenders spat at a tall, slim, and curly haired figure, that was trying to get up from the floor. You recognized him, but didn’t know his name, but you sure as hell weren’t going to let these jerks torment him.

            “Leave him alone.” You stated sternly, placing your body between the beat up teen on the floor and the gang of bullies. You knew the oppressors already, they’d done the same to you before, but maybe with the help of the kid slowly climbing from the floor you could get them to give up.

            “Oh look who’s come to join the party, back off (l/n). Or you’re next, want another ear cut off?” Your tough posture faded for a moment at the mention of your past injury but after it just made you more passionate about kicking their asses.

            “You back off ублюдок.” You countered at him roaring with rage and confidence. “Or you’re going to get your sorry ass beaten. You do remember how I got that ear cut off don’t you?” You retorted confidently masking any fears of getting into trouble. At those words the rest of his group of followers backed up a little bit, the invisible ghost you were only appeared when someone was in need. And that gave you the reputation as someone not to mess with, or no one even knew your name, it depended on the group of students really.

            “Don’t threaten me bitch!” He carped timorously, realizing what he’d just gotten into.


            “Then don’t threaten me.” You responded coolly, the calm demeanor you held just threw him off even more, he didn’t understand if you were scared or confident and it made him powerless. He began to back up and held his head high as if he’d just won the match.

            “We don’t need to put up with her shit or Sherlock’s, come on guys.” The leader stormed out of the building with his slaves directly behind. You smirked at your achievement but then remembered the boy, Sherlock you now knew his name was, had been injured. You turned around meeting a face with prominent cheekbones and intense blue eyes, you glanced at his state and decided he’d just have some nasty bruising. Luckily nothing seemed impaled or broken.

            “You alright?” You asked just because you had nothing else really to say to him, I mean he’d obviously gotten on the boys nerves so he was an idiot for getting into the situation. That’s why you enjoyed life under the radar, no one picked a fight with you.

            “Fine now, just a few bruises, nothing large scale.” His voice was deeper than you had expected, and you placed your hand out for him to shake.

            “(F/n) (l/n).” You told him with a small smile, he gave you a look and took your gesture.


            “Sherlock Holmes.” The curly haired brunette stated and you nodded.

            “Well it was a pleasure meeting you and all, try not to get yourself into another situation like that.” You said turning to go back to your books and backpack, the main doors would lock throughout the building soon. He didn’t respond as you walked off and gathered your belongings, but as you exited the door he caught your attention.

            “Russian.” Sherlock simply announced.

            You gave him a quizzical look and then smiled when you realized what he meant. “Yes, you know what it means?” And he shook his head after a moment in defeat.

            “Bastard.” You announced with a smirk pushing the doors open and heading off the school campus for the evening.


            The girl who had it out for you, Lizza, came strutting over to you. You were sat alone beside a tree trunk during lunch, reading a new and invigorating novel. You let out a sigh knowing you would be dealing with her crap, most likely because that boy bullying Sherlock the other day had started a rumor that you and Sherlock had been seen ‘doing it’ or whatever phrases the ignorant teens used in your school that evening.

            “So the freak likes the freak, huh? I heard about you and Sherlock.” She stated with a smug look, twirling a strand of hair in her fingers. Boom there it was, just like clockwork, her attempts at hurting your feelings were always acted upon in the exact same manner. You stood to leave not wanting to deal with her royal highness of the assholes, but she had other plans and highly against your will actually wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “I’m so happy for you! Finally getting with something, I mean I’m surprised anything would want a relation with you. Plus getting caught doing that, well it adds to your bad girl reputation. Gang member, slut, what next, is one of the teachers your fiancé?” She giggled at her own joke and you wanted to shoot yourself from her absurdity.

            “Speaking of people being caught in a compromising act, your boyfriend was just seen with another girl.” A familiar deep voice resonated from behind you and you smirked.

            “What? Matty is mine, he would never do such a thing.” Lizza pouted, obviously showing signs of doubt and worry on her features.


“Your best friend, Clarissa is it? She’s making out with him now in the lecture hall, you can catch them at it now if you’d like.” Sherlock commented, Lizza looked at you in a way that showed she still was trying to frighten you and then took off stomping in the direction of said room. You turned around and smiled up at the curly haired boy, whom smirked slightly at you.

            “Thanks for the help.” You told him sincerely and then turned to go back into the school for your next class. He nods as if he’s accepting your gratitude before you do so.

            “She’s an невежественны дурак isn’t she?” Sherlock smugly commented causing you to smile brightly at his choice in words.

            “Yes she is quite the невежественны дурак.” You smirked in reply and dashed off to your next class. You liked Sherlock, he was a lot nicer and fun than the other kids at your school.

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