Poe Dameron x Reader ~ Caged

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You heard the familiar sounds of footsteps across the steel flooring echoing through the crack of your cell door. The door opened with a woosh as per usual and you fell to your knees bowing your head without thought. You held your wrists out to the guards in compliance as they were bound with the familiar cold metallic device behind your back. You looked to the masked men with dead and gazed over eyes at the usual routine, and once they finished ensuring you were secured, you stood up awaiting the next order. It was your usual overseers but today something was different. You could sense that their demeanor was off, normally they held fear of Ren and others among the first order higher-ups but today... They were terrified. And after gazing into their minds once more and thoroughly checking them over you became shocked to find that they were scared of you.

Your padded footsteps sounded out of place when choreographed with the combat boots of your retainers, however no one ever glanced your way. You found yourself before a chamber as per the usual routine, the door let out a woosh before you stepped forward and entered immediately followed by your guards. It was now that they began to panic beside you, why did they fear you so much? You knew better than to refuse orders so they needn't worry for their safety. One motioned to the prisoner in the torture chamber and you gave a solemn nod in understanding before moving forward. However a glance into the mind of the stormtrooper revealed that they were in fear of Ren and yourself, it must have been something he said to them that must have been even more harsh then usual. You continued to ponder the odd behavior as you put on your usual intimidating demeanor used daily for this task, it was completely unlike the meek and silent form that you held around the troopers and whenever you were around Ren. As you reached the restrained prisoner, you noticed Ren must have already ordered him to be battered and bruised in attempt to get information. You were now extremely annoyed at the sight because it meant this would be a much longer and more difficult process than usual, why didn't he just send you in first like always? This prisoner was completely passed out, which made this all the more difficult for you to fulfill the task at hand. You sighed and sat on the floor in front of the bloody brunette man before you awaiting his awakening.

A large gasp and short, fast sharp breathes alerted you to his opened eyes as you sat in silent meditation. You quickly stood and looked him in the eyes, his brown ones fluttering around the room in panic before boring into your own amidst his confusion and tortured state. "Who the hell are you? I already said I don't have the map!" He shouted in rage and desperation, clearly he'd been through a long process and probably even through Ren's most trying ones.

"I know. I'm here for other information." You replied bluntly, repeating the process you were used for on a daily basis had forced you to have no sense of character. And by doing so, you were completely detached from emotion and the pains of those you interrogated. Your harsh monotone voice caught the man off guard. "Where is the Resistance outsourcing for supplies?" The man just let out what seemed to be a failed attempt at a chuckle, his throat too hoarse and scratchy to even barely do so.
"I won't answer any of your questions," the man replied spitting bloodied saliva to the floor, "you should know that by now." You let out a frustrated sigh, you didn't expect any less. If the prisoner would willingly give out the information needed they wouldn't ever dream of using you to obtain it. You stared him in the eyes, he was different then most you encountered. Even when bound and already tortured he still held his head high, which you had to admit made this seem a lot more interesting. After giving him his moment of pride you pushed right into his thoughts, you began seeing his memories in a quick flash through your mind. You realized now why the stormtroopers had extra security and were on edge now, you had finally met a pilot. And a damn good one at that. You released your grip of his thoughts and his head instantly fell while he heaved in breaths.
"He is of no use right now, leave us so I may get to work." You made sure to use your monotone and commanding voice towards the guards so they would not assume you knew what exactly the man before you was capable of. You made sure they obeyed your orders using your technique with ease with one look into the minds of the armor clad zombies. As soon as the door let out its final woosh signaling its closing you quickly walked towards the prisoner. "You're a pilot?" You questioned though knowing the answers, however now you had lost your entire facade, no more falsified confidence and now you held a less intimidating posture, the man just stared at you like you were a damn Hutt.
"Yes." He responded shortly and in an unsure voice, you quickly undid his restraints with your talents and he fell to the floor instantly. "Kriff-" The man groaned in pain as he quickly realized he was free. He scrambled to his feet and lunged towards you with his fist, you just moved aside and pushed him away without laying a hand on him through using the Force.
"Save your energy, you'll need it for flying." You replied in annoyance but also sympathy at his urgency to fight you. Looking at the shock and fear in the mans face suddenly triggered a sense of emotion inside you, which was odd, you didn't ever feel things. You guessed it was because for once in your life you could feel a sense of hope, you shook your head and returning your attention to him and his thoughts. He didn't trust you, which was no surprise. "I'm not making you some First Order kamikaze, you'll be flying home." You remarked making an image of the Resistance base appear in his mind to get the message fully across.
"Why should I trust you? You just want me to lead you to the base! This is some kind of trick-" The man harshly answered, you looked in his direction moving towards him to reach the door behind him.
"Look Mr. 'best pilot in the 'verse', I need to get away from the first order just as much as you." You responded in desperation and in a softer tone then previously used, there was no reason for him to believe you but you had to hope. He was your only chance of freedom right now, maybe even ever. There was no time for him to be stalling as he just shook his head in disapproval. Why couldn't he just understand you were offering him freedom? Honesty he should be thankful to you right now, not accusing you of being like Ren, you felt another unfamiliar emotion stir in your heart as being seen as someone like him.
"This is a game, your toying with my mind!" Poe, his name was, responded animatedly and aggressively. The shouting caused you to shiver and more adrenaline to rush through your body, it was preparing for what usually came after yelling in this place. You wouldn't cower however much you wanted to on instinct. You thought things through and didn't want to have to do this, but coming from his perspective you realized just how strange this whole situation seemed.
"I've been a prisoner here as much as you, trust me this is no game. I'm used here for their gain, I have no say just like you." You answered with a now quieter and somber expression then before, maybe if you showed emotion he would trust you more. This proved true as he immediately hesitated in his defensive stance, noticing not only the desperate tone in your voice but how you had reacted to his yells.
"I don't believe you, why would a prisoner be asked to interrogate other prisoners?" He responded in a harsh and accusatory tone, though you could sense the doubt beginning to envelope him now. You sighed in annoyance and frustration, you knew it would come to this if the opportunity like this arose. And you knew it was your only chance to be free of the First Order, but you couldn't trust a stranger to keep it all a secret. Everything about you was nothing short of intriguing and pitiful, and also what if he thought like them that you're powers could be of use? If you could avoid anything going wrong before you reached a planet maybe you could successfully wipe his memory. It was worth the risk, you would do anything to escape this hell.
"If you don't believe me, take a look." Instantly you drew his mind into yours, something you had never done and something that was much more difficult and painful then your usual trick of entering other's thoughts. Memories rushed through your own mind and in turn through his, you felt dizzy but remained standing and staring into Poe's eyes.

The saber's heat ate away at your skin as you crouch on the floor, frozen in time and unable to move no matter how much you tried to use your powers in the same way against him. Surges of intense pain writhe through your body and your skull feels as though its been cracked in two. You can just get a glimpse of Kylo Ren's mask before you feel the sensation of being choked and the memory fades black as you gasp for air.
"Obviously she's trying to make me set her free! The freak is using the force on me!" A particularly vicious stormtrooper lied as you laid on the floor of the cell clutching your abdomen, blood warms your hands and your mouth is oozing red. An inaudible comment from another guard is barely heard through the ringing of your ears before a kick to the head from the stormtrooper in your cell knocks you unconscious once again.
"Do not dare to disobey me again! They are weak and useless creatures, so what if they are killed?" You did not leave your stance before a young Twi'lek girl, tied and being cut to death until she muttered the words that were needed. You challenged Ren by keeping him from controlling you like he had before by freezing your body, he growled in frustration at your ability before overpowering you and finally sending you into the wall. "You must be indifferent to the suffering of others, so maybe you'll learn to forget emotion through understanding their agony. How many times much I teach you this?!" The familiar sound of his angered voice and the light of his lightsaber licked the previously dark walls in bursts.

Poe collapsed, through your memories he could physically feel your pains and it was too much to bear with his already injured form. The Force had a way of that, you knew all too well it could drain you with ease. His breaths were jagged and he opened his mouth but he didn't know what to say. You moved forward and helped him up as gently and carefully as possible to lead him towards the door. Standing in front of the cell door, you turned your back to him and held out your cuffed hands, "Help me get these off." Without hesitation any hesitation the man unfastened the cuffs and the familiar click of their cold metal filled the air. "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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