X Reader ~ Tis But a Flesh Wound

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You really hoped that no one would be at the catering tent, you repeatedly wished in your head multiple times, practically begging to you don’t know what that no one would show up. You grabbed a plate, attempting to quickly go through the buffet, spooning various items not even sure what at this point. You could feel eyes boring into the back of your scarred hands, either that or you were just imagining worst case scenarios, still that sensation was there. Your palm ached as you finished adding the rest of the sauce for…well whatever it was. Luckily you were functioning completely fine with using your left hand primarily but this process needed two hands.

            “May I ask what happened to your hand?” You knew the formal voice, but you wondered why he was here getting a meal at such an odd hour. Or here in general since he never ate the catering, to your knowledge at least. What are you supposed to say? This is the exact worst case scenario that could happen happening.Oh you know, I injured myself making a simple mistake doing a job I’ve done for nearly 10 years.’ Wonderful way to make a first impression; an airhead, introvert, and…Oh goodness he was still waiting for your reply, and, a slow thought processor too. You nodded, attempting to conceal your inner panic attack as you turned to look at the tall man.

“Yeah I managed to practically fillet it on one of the blade props...” You said with a smile and a possibly unnecessary chuckle at the end. Then you realized your current location, and that you’d just described something bloody and gruesome to a famous actor that was about to eat his midday meal, also applying laughter to said sentence.

            “Yikes…” He replied with a facial expression that showed his imagining of your pain. To your glee he didn’t give you a weird look and turn away at your macabre choice of words.

            “It’s not that bad though, I can still work and everything.” You replied optimistically, now glancing down at your scarred fingers on your left hand and then to your right hand which was currently bandaged into a boxing glove like state.

            “You’re left handed then?” The tall brunette questioned as he motioned with a nod towards a nearby table. Catching his drift, you followed as he walked over towards the seats.

            “Kind of…I’m ambidextrous.” You stated placing your meal down and then taking a seat across from the lanky figure. He quirked an almost inquisitive and impressed smirk.

            “Not many people have that skillset. What do you do here for the production?” He asked before taking a bite of his meal while listening intently.

            “I’m mainly a prop maker.” You replied with a grin, taking a bite of food using your left hand to wield your fork. He nodded, currently chewing on a bit of food, so you decided to continue speaking in politeness. “I actually worked on one of the original concept designs for Thranduil’s sword.”

            “That wasn’t what got you injured I’d hope…”

            “No! I was just working on simple replica blade.” You quickly responded, a little nervous as to the fact you could have possibly scared the actor off. You really were more panicked on the inside than you were willing to admit, even to yourself. He smiled noticing your demeanor but kindly not commenting on it as both of you continued to eat your meals.

            “There is one question I have for you, though it probably sounds really silly...” The man shared honestly with a slightly unsure smile. You grinned interested in what he could possibly be getting at.

            “I doubt it’s a silly question, go ahead.” You told him with a smile.

            “I’ve just always wanted to ask a blade prop maker if they’ve ever spared with a blade before…” The man admitted and you couldn’t help but let out a light giggle.

            “That’s a pretty valid question, and to tell you the truth, most of the people I’ve worked with here on this production actually don’t have any training at all.” You took a sip of your drink and he did the same.

            “What about yourself?” The actor asked curiously and you placed your cup down.

            “I’ve trained a large amount in different forms with various weapons.” You grinned leaning back a little in your seat. “Foil, epée, saber…you name it and I’ve probably at least tried it.” The actor chuckled and seemed impressed at this, you blushed a little at noting your possibly overly extensive knowledge set on the topic.

            “You seem much more experienced than myself, though after our intense workout regimen maybe I’ll be up to par.” He teased and you both laughed. You took another sip of your drink and caught the actor staring a little. You couldn’t help the light blush that was covering your cheeks at the moment. “Which disciplines have you studied under?” The man asked utterly interested. For once you didn’t feel completely invisible to the surrounding world, this man actually cared to hear things about you.

            “Mostly Destreza but I’ve done a good amount of Kendo as well...” You replied with a smile and he grinned taking a finishing bite of his meal.

            “Well, I may just have to challenge you to a duel.” He looked at the time on the clock to the side by the counter and frowned a little before returning his attention to you. “I didn’t quite catch your name…” You turned red in embarrassment realizing you had impolitely skipped formalities.

            “I’m (y/n).” You told him cheerily, he chuckled before reaching for his glass and plate.

            “It has been a pleasure (yn). I’d love to continue the conversation, but for now I’ve got to get back on set.” He stood with a small smile and you nodded in understanding.

            “I hope everything runs through smoothly, it was great meeting you.” You stated with a grin and stood as well. You should probably head back to work as well. He was just about to walk away but the actor seemed to remember something and turned back to look at you.

            “I almost forgot, may I sign your cast?” He asked with an adorable lopsided grin.

            “Of course.” You laughed slightly as he walked back towards you pulling out a pen. You couldn’t see what he was writing but once he’d finished he turned to leave once more. Looking at you he waived before shooting you a wink. You blushed profusely and once he’d left your sight you turned your attention to his signature.


            I formally challenge you to a duel.

Call/text me at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx for the specifics.

~ ___ ;)

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